
プレイ回数2481順位1627位  難易度(4.5) 942打 英語 英字
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 ku 6584 アインシュタイン 6.6 99.6% 142.6 942 3 15 2024/05/19
2 おーくぼさん 4839 ネルソン・マンデラ 5.3 91.7% 177.1 942 85 15 2024/05/21
3 さくら 4273 ネルソン・マンデラ 4.4 97.1% 213.9 942 28 15 2024/05/20
4 かぼす 3055 マーク・トウェイン 3.3 91.1% 278.2 942 92 15 2024/05/22
5 2448 マリー・キュリー 2.5 94.9% 364.3 942 50 15 2024/05/22



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(To succeed in life, you need two things; ignorance and confidence.)

To succeed in life, you need two things; ignorance and confidence.

(Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.)

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

(You will live a dull and boring life if you do not take risks.)

You will live a dull and boring life if you do not take risks.

(Once you stop learning, you start dying.)

Once you stop learning, you start dying.

(If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.)

If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.

(If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today.)

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today.

(If you don't like where you are, change it. You're not a tree.)

If you don't like where you are, change it. You're not a tree.

(I never lose. I either win or learn.)

I never lose. I either win or learn.

(If you're not doing some things that are crazy, then you're doing the wrong things.)

If you're not doing some things that are crazy, then you're doing the wrong things.

(Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people.)

Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people.

(We cannot learn without pain.)

We cannot learn without pain.

(No man can become rich without himself enriching others.)

No man can become rich without himself enriching others.

(Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.)

Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

(And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.)

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

(They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.)

They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.