
プレイ回数41難易度(4.0) 120秒 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(You should accommodate the request.)

You should accommodate the request.

(The hotel can accommodate 300 guests.)

The hotel can accommodate 300 guests.

(He opened a bank account.)

He opened a bank account.

(This item accounts for 50% of sales.)

This item accounts for 50% of sales.

(He addressed a problem.)

He addressed a problem.

(He addressed the audience.)

He addressed the audience.

(He addresses questions to Robert.)

He addresses questions to Robert.

(He gave an opening address.)

He gave an opening address.

(A self-addressed envelope was attached.)

A self-addressed envelope was attached.

(That was Steve's last public appearance.)

That was Steve's last public appearance.

(His unique appearance caught the eye.)

His unique appearance caught the eye.

(His appearance in the film was a big hit.)

His appearance in the film was a big hit.

(She applied for the position.)

She applied for the position.

(He applied the cream to the skin.)

He applied the cream to the skin.

(The rule applies to all employees.)

The rule applies to all employees.

(I got a doctor's appointment.)

I got a doctor's appointment.

(There was an appointment of a new CEO yesterday.)

There was an appointment of a new CEO yesterday.

(That magazine article is doubtful.)

That magazine article is doubtful.

(We bought some household articles in the store.)

We bought some household articles in the store.

(We made a battery of tests.)

We made a battery of tests.


(The board of directors met yesterday.)

The board of directors met yesterday.

(I searched the information on the bulletin board to find a job.)

I searched the information on the bulletin board to find a job.

(I booked a room.)

I booked a room.

(We do not carry that item.)

We do not carry that item.

(A woman is carrying a briefcase.)

A woman is carrying a briefcase.

(She carried out a task.)

She carried out a task.

(You should finish the homework by a certain time.)

You should finish the homework by a certain time.

(The work is nearly complete.)

The work is nearly complete.

(We offer a complete range of services.)

We offer a complete range of services.

(Tex finally completed the work.)

Tex finally completed the work.

(Please complete the form.)

Please complete the form.

(This problem is under consideration.)

This problem is under consideration.

(Tex has no consideration for others.)

Tex has no consideration for others.

(One free copy of the book is available with this contract.)

One free copy of the book is available with this contract.

(The local media covered the event.)

The local media covered the event.

(Leaves are covering the road.)

Leaves are covering the road.

(The fee covers lunch.)

The fee covers lunch.

(Most employees were critical of the plan.)

Most employees were critical of the plan.

(Enthusiasm is the most critical factor of success.)

Enthusiasm is the most critical factor of success.

(He declined to respond.)

He declined to respond.

(Our sales have declined.)

Our sales have declined.

(This dictionary definition is different from the other.)

This dictionary definition is different from the other.

(A high-definition monitor will be equipped soon.)

A high-definition monitor will be equipped soon.

(A new product will be delivered soon.)

A new product will be delivered soon.

(He delivered a superb speech.)

He delivered a superb speech.

(He demonstrated how to use the system.)

He demonstrated how to use the system.

(He demonstrated excellent communication skills.)

He demonstrated excellent communication skills.

(He belongs to a research and development division.)

He belongs to a research and development division.

(There is nothing new in recent developments in the area.)

There is nothing new in recent developments in the area.

(A new housing development is undergoing.)

A new housing development is undergoing.

(The company occasionally provides opportunities for professional development.)

The company occasionally provides opportunities for professional development.

(He knows directions to the museum.)

He knows directions to the museum.

(New development has started under the direction of Mr. Kato.)

New development has started under the direction of Mr. Kato.

(They are going in the same direction.)

They are going in the same direction.

(He tried a drawing for prizes.)

He tried a drawing for prizes.

(He enrolled in a drawing class.)

He enrolled in a drawing class.

(Due date of this lease is tomorrow.)

Due date of this lease is tomorrow.

(I got soaked due to rain.)

I got soaked due to rain.

(Special thanks are due to Mr. Kato.)

Special thanks are due to Mr. Kato.

(Membership dues is high.)

Membership dues is high.

(We are due to visit Tokyo tomorrow.)

We are due to visit Tokyo tomorrow.

(There are some fallen leaves around the edge of the water.)

There are some fallen leaves around the edge of the water.

(This patent helps the company having an edge over others.)

This patent helps the company having an edge over others.

(We expressed appreciation to him.)

We expressed appreciation to him.

(I sent this document with an express delivery.)

I sent this document with an express delivery.

(They sold it without express consent.)

They sold it without express consent.

(The deadline of the abstract submission has been extended.)

The deadline of the abstract submission has been extended.

(He extended an apology.)

He extended an apology.

(Our service extends to various areas.)

Our service extends to various areas.

(He extended an invitation to us.)

He extended an invitation to us.

(The bus fare is 220 yen.)

The bus fare is 220 yen.

(We had a traditional fare yesterday.)

We had a traditional fare yesterday.

(The voice guidance leads the users in a timely fashion.)

The voice guidance leads the users in a timely fashion.

(She does not care about wearing old-fashioned clothes.)

She does not care about wearing old-fashioned clothes.

(The item is featured in the advertisement.)

The item is featured in the advertisement.

(The exhibition features paintings by Taro Okamoto.)

The exhibition features paintings by Taro Okamoto.

(The feature article of this journal is interesting.)

The feature article of this journal is interesting.

(The main feature of the product is its reliability.)

The main feature of the product is its reliability.

問題文を全て表示 一部のみ表示 誤字・脱字等の報告