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楽曲情報 PRESENT(ENGLISH VERSION)  Mrs.GREEN APPLE  作詞Motoki Ohmori  作曲Motoki Ohmori
ミセスの新曲「PRESENT」のEnglish ver.です!
※このタイピングは「PRESENT(ENGLISH VERSION)」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Yes,there is no doubt in this world we're always free,free,free,free)

Yes,there is no doubt in this world we're always free,free,free,free

(And there is nothing better than an I love you makes you gush with)

And there is nothing better than an I love you makes you gush with



(Just wrap it with ribbons and make a smile,it's nothing ah hah)

Just wrap it with ribbons and make a smile,it's nothing ah hah

(Your words are the treat that I am waiting for,lovely ah hah)

Your words are the treat that I am waiting for,lovely ah hah

(Deep down from my heart here is my present,oh)

Deep down from my heart here is my present,oh

(Sincerely from me here is my present,oh)

Sincerely from me here is my present,oh

(Just take it from me there is nothing more)

Just take it from me there is nothing more

(The love that I got,it's an open door)

The love that I got,it's an open door

(Don't even ask what the present's about)

Don't even ask what the present's about

(The present's about surprising your heart)

The present's about surprising your heart

(Even if the date becomes a nightmare)

Even if the date becomes a nightmare

(Whatever mood you're in I got the best in the world present)

Whatever mood you're in I got the best in the world present

(Yes,there is a thing that we find ourselves being)

Yes,there is a thing that we find ourselves being



(No matter what you've gotta say an I love it)

No matter what you've gotta say an I love it

(but it's how it is,is,is,is)

but it's how it is,is,is,is

(All kinds of ribbons will make it look,so pretty ah hah)

All kinds of ribbons will make it look,so pretty ah hah

(Gonna make you hype like getting it for the first time so hyper ah hah)

Gonna make you hype like getting it for the first time so hyper ah hah

(Deep down from my heart here is my present,oh)

Deep down from my heart here is my present,oh

(Sincerely from me here is my present,oh)

Sincerely from me here is my present,oh

(Just take it from me there is nothing more)

Just take it from me there is nothing more

(The city is singing with joy of love)

The city is singing with joy of love

(Easiest feelings are hard to express so I'm)

Easiest feelings are hard to express so I'm

(giving my true love in wrappings dear)

giving my true love in wrappings dear

(Love's unconditional)

Love's unconditional

(I've found those words are true and)

I've found those words are true and

(and you're the one that made me realize this love)

and you're the one that made me realize this love

(Don't even ask what the present's about)

Don't even ask what the present's about

(The present's about surprising your heart)

The present's about surprising your heart

(Even if every day seems like okay)

Even if every day seems like okay

(The things that you don't realize is what it's about)

The things that you don't realize is what it's about

(you and me together is the most brilliant present)

you and me together is the most brilliant present

(Deep down from my heart here is my present,oh)

Deep down from my heart here is my present,oh

(Sincerely from me here is my present,oh)

Sincerely from me here is my present,oh



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