(it’s like you here i am)
It's like you Here I am
(it’s been since 1988)
It's been since 1988
(we are alive for a moment こんざつしてるまいにち)
We are alive for a moment 混雑してる 毎日
(あれもありでこれもあり あげくのはてになんでもあり?)
あれも有りでこれも有り 挙句の果てに何でも有り?
(there’s no option?)
There's no option?
(くうそうてきないみてーしょんが いつだってit’s on my way)
空想的なイミテーションが いつだってIt's on my way
(かぎりなくはてしない しまいにおちにおちてくのさ)
限りなく果てしない しまいに落ちに落ちてくのさ
(where are you going?)
Where are you going?
(always had some trouble)
Always had some trouble
(with pressure and connection)
with pressure and connection
(せんりゃくてきこうりゃくは?i guess nobody knows)
戦略的攻略は?I guess nobody knows
(そうやってきょうだってyou can’t fool me)
そうやって今日だってYou can't fool me
(it’s like you here i am)
It's like you Here I am
(it’s been since 1988)
It's been since 1988
(we got everything to take off now)
We got everything to take off now
(you’re thinking the same way)
You're thinking the same way
(we fight for a moment かんかくてきにまいにち)
We fight for a moment 感覚的に毎日
(あれがこうでだからこう そんなりくつやりろんだけじゃ)
アレがこうでだからこう そんな理屈や理論だけじゃ
(there’s no way out)
There's no way out
(とっぱつてきないみてーしょんが いつだってit’s on my way)
突発的なイミテーションが いつだってIt's on my way
(かぎりなくはてしない しまいにおちにおちていって)
限りなく果てしない しまいに落ちに落ちていって
(you can’t go back)
You can't go back
(it’s like you here i am)
It's like you Here I am
(it’s been since 1988)
It's been since 1988
(we got everything to take off now)
We got everything to take off now
(it’s like you here i am)
It's like you Here I am
(it’s been since 1988)
It's been since 1988
(i’ve been taking this way)
I've been taking this way
(all the time)
all the time
(taking this way again and again)
Taking this way again and again
(we got everything to take off now)
We got everything to take off now
(you’re thinking the same way)
You're thinking the same way