IELTS 重要語レベル1ー① MK

プレイ回数115難易度(4.5) 300秒 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(The secretary was surprised by her collegue's selfifh behaviour.)

The secretary was surprised by her collegue's selfifh behaviour.

(Crew members are responsible for ensuring the safety of passengers.)

Crew members are responsible for ensuring the safety of passengers.

(The athlete was unsure of the extent of his injury.)

The athlete was unsure of the extent of his injury.

(The provision of school lunches is the responsibility of each local authority.)

The provision of school lunches is the responsibility of each local authority.

(The finance specialist's lecture was related to investment in foreign stocks.)

The finance specialist's lecture was related to investment in foreign stocks.

(The actor felt his remark had been taken out of context.)

The actor felt his remark had been taken out of context.

(Regional economic growth is of great importance to this country.)

Regional economic growth is of great importance to this country.

(His redical comment about women was attacked by the conservative media.)

His redical comment about women was attacked by the conservative media.

(The company has developed a strategy to build their brand.)

The company has developed a strategy to build their brand.

(Cultural studies is an academic discipline popular among young scholars.)

Cultural studies is an academic discipline popular among young scholars.

(Science is based on an objective analysis of date.)

Science is based on an objective analysis of date.

(The museum has an extensive collection of contemporary art.)

The museum has an extensive collection of contemporary art.

(The central bank is taking a more aggressive stance against inflation.)

The central bank is taking a more aggressive stance against inflation.

(The organisation plays a crucial role in the control of global warming.)

The organisation plays a crucial role in the control of global warming.

(Many universities provide accommodation for new students.)

Many universities provide accommodation for new students.