プレイ回数818難易度(2.2) 1377打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 JUST DANCE  Travis Japan  作詞Stephen Ellrod  作曲Erik Madrid
JUST DANSE!/Travis Japan
※このタイピングは「JUST DANCE」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示


Just dance


Any way you want


When you feel a spark


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


When I’m feelin’ high or low


WhenIgotnoplacetogo, justmoveit


Even if I’m on the phone


I put the call on hold, just do it


That’s the way I feel better


We can do it together


Kick your chair, and just get up


Get up, get up


Just let it take control


When the rhythm slows


And when the kick drum goes


Just dance


Any way you want


When you feel a spark


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


Any way you want


Light up like a star


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


I wanna roar like a tiger


Letitout, let‘emknowI’mafighter


It’souryear, goinghigherandhigher


Feeluscatchinglikeafire, comeon


Can I do it in the backseat?


Yes, please




Oh, lord


Can I kick it, Lionel Messi?


So clean




Just dance


Any way you want


When you feel a spark


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


Any way you want


Light up like a star


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


When you get that feeling


Dance like you don’t care who sees


Let go and just move your feet


Don’t let ‘em stop you


When you get that feeling


Dance like you don’t care who sees


Let go and just move your feet


Don’t let ‘em stop you


Just let ‘em watch you


Just dance


Any way you want


When you feel a spark


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


Any way you want


Light up like a star


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


Any way you want


When you feel a spark


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance


Any way you want


Light up like a star


It don’t matter where you from


Or who you are


Just dance



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971