よく使う英単語 練習

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ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(you you you you you)

you you you you you

(me me me me me)

me me me me me

(take take take take take)

take take take take take

(make make make make make)

make make make make make

(keep keep keep keep keep)

keep keep keep keep keep

(could could could could could)

could could could could could

(would would would would would)

would would would would would

(where where where where where)

where where where where where

(when when when when when)

when when when when when

(think think think think think)

think think think think think

(thought tought thought thought thought)

thought tought thought thought thought

(there there there there there)

there there there there there

(how how how how how)

how how how how how

(just just just just just)

just just just just just

(much much much much much)

much much much much much

(somehow somehow somehow somehow somehow)

somehow somehow somehow somehow somehow

(same same same same same)

same same same same same

(find find find find find)

find find find find find

(with with with with with)

with with with with with

(once once once once once)

once once once once once


(more more more more more)

more more more more more

(again again again again again)

again again again again again

(anyway anyway anyway anyway anyway)

anyway anyway anyway anyway anyway

(hope hope hope hope hope)

hope hope hope hope hope

(these these these these these)

these these these these these

(have have have have have)

have have have have have

(down down down down down)

down down down down down

(gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna)

gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna

(because because because because because)

because because because because because

(cause cause cause cause cause)

cause cause cause cause cause

(cuz cuz cuz cuz cuz)

cuz cuz cuz cuz cuz

問題文を全て表示 一部のみ表示 誤字・脱字等の報告



タイピング練習講座 ローマ字入力表 アプリケーションの使い方 よくある質問

