English typing - 024

プレイ回数51難易度(4.5) 1085打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I'm happy to give you any additional information as needed.)

I'm happy to give you any additional information as needed.

(Thank you for looking into this matter for me.)

Thank you for looking into this matter for me.

(We look forward to your attendance to make this meeting fruitful.)

We look forward to your attendance to make this meeting fruitful.

(We're eager to see you all again.)

We're eager to see you all again.

(Here are the main takeaways from our meeting.)

Here are the main takeaways from our meeting.

(I will be pleased to meet with you after things slow down a bit.)

I will be pleased to meet with you after things slow down a bit.

(Thank you for thinking of me.)

Thank you for thinking of me.

(I wish to update you on the status of the Annual Report that you requested I complete.)

I wish to update you on the status of the Annual Report that you requested I complete.

(This is to bring to your kind attention that I sent you the analytics report two weeks back.)

This is to bring to your kind attention that I sent you the analytics report two weeks back.

(Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.)

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

(Kindly ensure your attendance by replying to us.)

Kindly ensure your attendance by replying to us.

(Andy will handle my workload today to ensure all deadlines are met.)

Andy will handle my workload today to ensure all deadlines are met.

(I will try to check emails of you need anything urgent.)

I will try to check emails of you need anything urgent.

(If there is anything I can do to help, or if you just need to talk, then I'm always there for you.)

If there is anything I can do to help, or if you just need to talk, then I'm always there for you.

(I wish you the best of success in your future endeavors.)

I wish you the best of success in your future endeavors.

(Would you be able to jump on a call?)

Would you be able to jump on a call?

(Thanks in advance for considering this.)

Thanks in advance for considering this.

(Due to unavoidable circumstances,)

Due to unavoidable circumstances,

(I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.)

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.