Reach for the Sky

プレイ回数135難易度(2.7) 846打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 Reach for the Sky  作詞傘村トータ  作曲傘村トータ
傘村トータさんのReach for the Skyです

※このタイピングは「Reach for the Sky」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(i dived into the sea)

I dived into the sea

(with heavy stone)

with heavy stone

(it was tied on my ankle)

It was tied on my ankle

(so i never float again)

so I never float again

(nobody can notice i’m crying)

Nobody can notice I'm crying

(it’s just that tears)

It's just that tears

(become the part of the sea)

become the part of the sea

(i am not carried by wind)

I am not carried by wind

(just sink to the bottom of the sea)

Just sink to the bottom of the sea

(the sky was blue)

The sky was blue

(it was cold and blue)

It was cold and blue

(i looked up at the sky)

I looked up at the sky

(from bottom of the dark)

from bottom of the dark

(because it’s too beautiful)

Because it's too beautiful

(i reach for the sky)

I reach for the sky

(but i just sink)

But I just sink

(i threw a lot away with memories)

I threw a lot away with memories

(and dived into the sea)

and dived into the sea

(holding heavy stone)

holding heavy stone

(nobody can notice i’m crying)

Nobody can notice I'm crying

(it’s just that voice)

It's just that voice

(become the part of the waves)

become the part of the waves

(i am not carried by wind)

I am not carried by wind

(just sink to the bottom of the sea)

Just sink to the bottom of the sea

(the sky was blue)

The sky was blue

(it was clear and blue)

It was clear and blue

(i looked up at the sky)

I looked up at the sky

(from bottom of the dark)

from bottom of the dark

(because it’s too beautiful)

Because it's too beautiful

(i reach for the sky)

I reach for the sky

(but it’s too late)

But it's too late

(the sky was blue)

The sky was blue

(it was cold and blue)

It was cold and blue

(i looked up at the sky)

I looked up at the sky

(from bottom of the dark)

from bottom of the dark

(because it’s too beautiful)

Because it's too beautiful

(i reach for the sky)

I reach for the sky

(but i just sink)

But I just sink



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971