
プレイ回数621難易度(3.8) 713打 長文 英字
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 ku 5050 B+ 5.0 99.7% 88.5 448 1 20 2025/01/09
2 ku 5005 B+ 5.0 99.7% 84.9 426 1 20 2024/12/28
3 ようた 4590 C++ 4.7 97.6% 86.7 408 10 20 2025/01/10
4 banban 2519 E 2.6 95.8% 177.0 466 20 20 2025/01/29
5 2064 F+ 2.1 94.8% 185.5 405 22 20 2025/02/11



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示





(dim a as string)

Dim A As String

(dim a(3) as string)

Dim A(3) As String



(for i = 0 to ubound(a))

For i = 0 To UBound(A)

(redim a(10))

ReDim A(10)

(redim preserve a(10))

ReDim Preserve A(10)

(dim a as range)

Dim A As Range

(dim a as worksheet)

Dim A As Worksheet

(dim a as workbook)

Dim A As Workbook

(dim a as object)

Dim A As Object

(set a = range(”a1”))

Set A = Range("A1")

(set a = nothing)

Set A = Nothing

(dim a as long,b as long,c as long)

Dim A As Long,B As Long,C As Long

(for i 0 to 5)

For i 0 To 5

(exit sub)

Exit Sub

(select case end select)

Select Case End Select

(case ”ok” case else)

Case "OK" Case Else

(do while range(”a1”) = ”” loop)

Do While Range("A1") = "" Loop


(do until range(”a1”) <> ”” loop)

Do Until Range("A1") <> "" Loop

(do loop while range(”a1”) = ””)

Do Loop While Range("A1") = ""

(do loop until range(”a1”) <> ””)

Do Loop Until Range("A1") <> ""

(for each c in range(”a1:a5”) next c)

For Each C In Range("A1:A5") Next C

(for each s in selection next s)

For Each C In Selection Next C

(if ”a” or ”b” then end if)

If "A" Or "B" Then End If

(if ”a” and ”b” then end if)

If "A" And "B" Then End If

(workbooks.open ”c:¥path¥book.xlsx”)

Workbooks.Open "C:\Path\BOOK.xlsx"

(activeworkbooks.saveas ”book.xlsx”)

ActiveWorkbooks.SaveAs "BOOK.xlsx"



(filecopy ”org.xlsx”,”new.xlsx”)

FileCopy "Org.xlsx","New.xlsx"

(mkdir ”c:¥path¥newdir”)

MkDir "C:\Path\NewDir"



問題文を全て表示 一部のみ表示 誤字・脱字等の報告