
プレイ回数562難易度(2.9) 981打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 銀河を独り揺蕩う  作詞黒金雨  作曲王可?
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 さくしゅん 154 G 0.1 83.3% 5178.2 998 200 41 2025/02/28



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Mend your pace, sway to the beat.)

Mend your pace, sway to the beat.

(Hands up! Embrace who you wanna be.)

Hands up! Embrace who you wanna be.

(We're reaching heights unseen.)

We're reaching heights unseen.

(Feel the fire deep within,)

Feel the fire deep within,

(You're the key to where my trust begins.)

You're the key to where my trust begins.

(Join my dream, it is the right time.)

Join my dream, it is the right time.

(Leave it all behind,)

Leave it all behind,

(Get ready now.)

Get ready now.



(Up into my world.)

Up into my world.

(Renew your definition.)

Renew your definition.

(World so high, let me show)

World so high, let me show

(and hear my declaration.)

and hear my declaration.

("No more ties.")

"No more ties."

(Off the ground and tapped your feet.)

Off the ground and tapped your feet.

(Stars are near when you feel the beat.)

Stars are near when you feel the beat.

(We're bound for a greater height.)

We're bound for a greater height.

(Take a leap into the blaze,)

Take a leap into the blaze,

(Don't lose yourself in mundanity.)

Don't lose yourself in mundanity.

(Join my dream, it is the right time.)

Join my dream, it is the right time.

(Leave it all behind,)

Leave it all behind,

(Get ready now!)

Get ready now!

((sing along))

(sing along)

(Welcome to my world,)

Welcome to my world,

(Renew your definition.)

Renew your definition.

(World so high, let me show)

World so high, let me show

(and hear my declaration.)

and hear my declaration.

("No more ties.")

"No more ties."

(Welcome to my world,)

Welcome to my world,

(Renew your definition.)

Renew your definition.

(World so high, let me show.)

World so high, let me show.

(Now hear my declaration.)

Now hear my declaration.

(Welcome to my world,)

Welcome to my world,

(Renew your definition.)

Renew your definition.

(World so high, we'll show)

World so high, we'll show

(and go beyond horizon.)

and go beyond horizon.

(Welcome to my world,)

Welcome to my world,

(Renew your definition.)

Renew your definition.

(World so high, we'll show)

World so high, we'll show

(and go beyond horizon)

and go beyond horizon

(Side by side.)

Side by side.



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971