新幹線車内アナウンス 英語版つばめ

プレイ回数9難易度(1.0) 60秒 連打
Welcome to the Shinkansen.
Welcome to the Shinkansen. This is the Tsubame Super Express bound for Kagoshima-Chuo. We will be stopping at all stations before arriving at Kagoshima-Chuo terminal. There are 6 cars on this train. Cars 1, 2 and 3 are for the passengers without seat reservations. This train is completely non-smoking. Please refrain from smoking anywhere on the train. (The conductor’s room is in car number 4.) (Wagon service is not available on this train.) You are welcome to put your luggage on the overhead shelf. Please be careful when you lift your luggage as it may fall. If you would like to put your luggage behind the seats at the last row or at the sections near the door, please inform the crew. Hazardous items are prohibited on stations and trains. If you notice any suspicious item or behavior, please notify staff immediately. In case of emergency, please notify train crew by SOS button. While in the car, we ask that you switch your mobile phones to silent mode. Thank you.



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