cakes and ale and

プレイ回数341難易度(3.0) 883打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
everlasting laugh
ELLEGARDENの「cakes and ale and everlastinglaugh」の歌詞タイピングです。
※このタイピングは「CAKES AND ALE AND EVERLASTINGLAUGH」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



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(you shy boy don’t be afraid)

You shy boy Don't be afraid

(in your book what does it say)

In your book what does it say

(to you?)

to you?

(easy easy easy does it)

Easy easy easy does it

(you just have to love who your)

You just have to love who your

(day by day things are all messed up)

Day by day Things are all messed up

(all we need is cakes and ale and)

All we need is cakes and ale and

(everlasting laugh)

everlasting laugh

(face our faith it’ll be all right)

Face our faith It'll be all right

(hesitate no more we’ll be fine)

Hesitate no more We'll be fine

(let’s throw them all on fire)

Let's throw them all on fire

(hey shy girl don’t shed no tears)

Hey shy girl Don't shed no tears

(in your song what does it say)

In your song what does it say

(to you?)

to you?

(easy easy easy does it)

Easy easy easy does it

(you just have to enjoy who you are)

You just have to enjoy who you are

(day by day things all messed up)

Day by day Things all messed up

(all we need is cakes and ale and)

All we need is cakes and ale and

(everlasting laugh)

everlasting laugh

(face our faith it’ll be all right)

Face our faith It'll be all right

(hesitate no more we’ll be fine)

Hesitate no more We'll be fine

(smash the radio)

Smash the radio

(hey girl let’s smash the radio)

Hey girl let's smash the radio

(day by day things are all messed up)

Day by day Things are all messed up

(all i need is cakes and ale and)

All I need is cakes and ale and

(everlasting laugh)

everlasting laugh

(day by day things are all messed up)

Day by day Things are all messed up

(all we need is cakes and ale and)

All we need is cakes and ale and

(everlasting laugh)

everlasting laugh

(face our faith it’ll be all right)

Face our faith It'll be all right

(hesitate no more we’ll be fine)

Hesitate no more We'll be fine

(smash the radio)

Smash the radio

(hey man let’s throw them all on fire)

Hey man let's throw them all on fire