'I Need the Light'

プレイ回数22難易度(2.8) 1770打 英語 英字
ENHYPEN '구해줘 (I Need The Light)'




ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(skfzkfhs djenadms Eh)

skfzkfhs djenadms Eh

날카론 어둠은 또

(dnsaud cjfja)

dnsaud cjfja

운명 처럼

(aoqjs skf Rmfdjekdru)

aoqjs skf Rmfdjekdru

매번 날 끌어당겨

(Why why why why)

Why why why why

Why why why why

(wlstlfdml cnfkr)

wlstlfdml cnfkr

진실의 추락

(Blind blind blind blind blind)

Blind blind blind blind blind

Blind blind blind blind blind

(claanrdml tnausdms rlvdl ej)

claanrdml tnausdms rlvdl ej

침묵의 수면은 깊이 더

((wjwndml alfhdp))

(wjwndml alfhdp)

(저주의 미로에)

(dhsmfeh Rodjsks godlfdms thunder)

dhsmfeh Rodjsks godlfdms thunder

오늘도 깨어난 해일은 thunder

(tltjsdp gnlqTmffls ahems tkfa)

tltjsdp gnlqTmffls ahems tkfa

시선에 휩쓸린 모든 삶

(dkwlreh Rowlahtgks disorder)

dkwlreh Rowlahtgks disorder

아직도 깨지못한 disorder

(sodksdml rhlanf)

sodksdml rhlanf

내안의 괴물

((Oh oh))

(Oh oh)

(Oh oh)

(tnadl akrgudhk ckelcks tktmf thrdp)

tnadl akrgudhk ckelcks tktmf thrdp

숨이 막혀와 차디찬 사슬 속에

((Oh oh))

(Oh oh)

(Oh oh)

(Eh Rowuqjfls dbflrhks)

Eh Rowuqjfls dbflrhks

또 깨져버린 유리관

(rngownj wpqkf skfmf ekfadms rkausdptj)

rngownj wpqkf skfmf ekfadms rkausdptj

구해줘 제발 나를 닮은 가면에서

(wlxdms rhxhddl vkrhemfdj tlagodml ehr)

wlxdms rhxhddl vkrhemfdj tlagodml ehr

짙은 고통이 파고들어 심해의 독

(Oh rktlrthrdml ejc)

Oh rktlrthrdml ejc

Oh 가식속의 덫

(Oh rkWkemfdml wall)

Oh rkWkemfdml wall

Oh 가짜들의 wall


(rngownj wpqkf akwngksms djenadptj)

rngownj wpqkf akwngksms djenadptj

구해줘 제발 마주하는 어둠에서

(duxdms gmlakdeh tlemfdjrk nowhere to go)

duxdms gmlakdeh tlemfdjrk nowhere to go

옅은 희망도 시들어가 nowhere to go

(rjwlt thr alone)

rjwlt thr alone

거짓 속 alone

(Oh dkrahddptj ektl skfmf rndnjsgo)

Oh dkrahddptj ektl skfmf rndnjsgo

Oh 악몽에서 다시 나를 구원해

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

((oh ay, oh ay))

(oh ay, oh ay)

(oh ay, oh ay)

(Bring it back to me baby Yeah,)

Bring it back to me baby Yeah,

Bring it back to me baby Yeah,

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

((oh ay, oh ay))

(oh ay, oh ay)

(oh ay, oh ay)

(Need you to know we have to stop)

Need you to know we have to stop

Need you to know we have to stop

(I'll be the light in the dark)

I'll be the light in the dark

I'll be the light in the dark

(djffnrwls ahrthfl)

djffnrwls ahrthfl

얼룩진 목소리

(gmxdjwls rlwjrdml qlc)

gmxdjwls rlwjrdml qlc

흩어진 기적의 빛

(ansjwls skdml rudrPtjs)

ansjwls skdml rudrPtjs

무너진 나의 경계선

(sjs skfmf Whwsms Liar)

sjs skfmf Whwsms Liar

넌 나를 쫒는 Liar

(wjfakddml qkekrdms rlvdl ej)

wjfakddml qkekrdms rlvdl ej

절망의 바닥은 깊이 더

(akdrkrdml alfhdp)

akdrkrdml alfhdp

망각의 미로에

(dkvmadml rldjrdms wksghrgks)

dkvmadml rldjrdms wksghrgks

아픔의 기억은 잔혹한

(so cjstkdml shfo eh)

so cjstkdml shfo eh

내 천사의 노래 eh

(tnaksgdms wlfans ehl ckwdmsso Rna)

tnaksgdms wlfans ehl ckwdmsso Rna

수많은 질문 되 찾은내 꿈

(I can make it true)

I can make it true

I can make it true

(And now it's like oh)

And now it's like oh

And now it's like oh

((Oh oh))

(Oh oh)

(Oh oh)

(enfudns tnsrks tkskdns rhxhd thrdp)

enfudns tnsrks tkskdns rhxhd thrdp

두려운 순간 사나운 고통 속에

((Oh oh))

(Oh oh)

(Oh oh)

(sjs dlfgdjqjfls rmflawk)

sjs dlfgdjqjfls rmflawk

넌 잃어버린 그림자

(rngownj wpqkf skfmf ekfadms rkausdptj)

rngownj wpqkf skfmf ekfadms rkausdptj

구해줘 제발 나를 닮은 가면에서

(wlxdms rhxhddl vkrhemfdj tlagodml ehr)

wlxdms rhxhddl vkrhemfdj tlagodml ehr

짙은 고통이 파고들어 심해의 독

(Oh rktlrthrdml ejc)

Oh rktlrthrdml ejc

Oh 가식속의 덫

(Oh rkWkemfdml wall)

Oh rkWkemfdml wall

Oh 가짜들의 wall

(rngownj wpqkf akwngksms djenadptj)

rngownj wpqkf akwngksms djenadptj

구해줘 제발 마주하는 어둠에서

(duxdms gmlakdeh tlemfdjrk nowhere to go)

duxdms gmlakdeh tlemfdjrk nowhere to go

옅은 희망도 시들어가 nowhere to go

(rjwlt thr alone)

rjwlt thr alone

거짓 속 alone

(Oh dkrahddptj ektl skfmf rndnjsgo)

Oh dkrahddptj ektl skfmf rndnjsgo

Oh 악몽에서 다시 나를 구원해

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

((oh ay, oh ay))

(oh ay, oh ay)

(oh ay, oh ay)

(Bring it back to me baby Yeah,)

Bring it back to me baby Yeah,

Bring it back to me baby Yeah,

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

(Bring it back to me baby)

Bring it back to me baby

Bring it back to me baby

((oh ay, oh ay))

(oh ay, oh ay)

(oh ay, oh ay)

(Need you to know we have to stop)

Need you to know we have to stop

Need you to know we have to stop

(I'll be the light in the dark)

I'll be the light in the dark

I'll be the light in the dark

(I need the light)

I need the light

I need the light

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(I need the light)

I need the light

I need the light

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(I need the light)

I need the light

I need the light

(I need the light ah)

I need the light ah

I need the light ah

(Need you to know we have to stop)

Need you to know we have to stop

Need you to know we have to stop

(I'll be the light in the dark)

I'll be the light in the dark

I'll be the light in the dark

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