
ROCKY CHACKの8枚目のシングル曲。
鬼頭明里さんの「Tiny Light」です!
プレイ回数484歌詞かな988打 -
プレイ回数1123歌詞かな877打 -
プレイ回数1101歌詞かな1287打 -
地縛少年花子くん ED曲です
プレイ回数2347歌詞かな988打 -
舞台刀剣乱舞~悲伝 結の目の不如帰~
プレイ回数954歌詞かな796打 -
キングダムハーツシリーズ ED
プレイ回数3391歌詞かな835打 -
鬼頭明里さんの「Tiny Light」です!
プレイ回数839歌詞かな231打 -
2022年夏アニメ「Lycoris Recoil」よりED曲
(o seven apples on a witch’s tree)
O seven apples on a witch's tree
(with seven seeds to plant)
With seven seeds to plant
(inside of me)
inside of me
(in springtime i grew a magic song)
In springtime I grew a magic song
(then skipping along,)
Then skipping along,
(oh i sang the song to everyone)
oh I sang the song to everyone
(i look at the world)
I look at the world
(through apple eyes)
through apple eyes
(and cut myself)
And cut myself
(a slice of sunshine pie)
a slice of sunshine pie
(i danced with the peanut butterflies)
I danced with the peanut butterflies
(till time went and told me to say)
Till time went and told me to say
(hello but wave goodbye)
hello but wave goodbye
(a thousand sugar stars)
A thousand sugar stars
(oh put them in a jar)
Oh put them in a jar
(and then whistle round the world)
And then whistle round the world
(oh whistle round the world)
Oh whistle round the world
(i’m a little wolf inside a girl,)
I'm a little wolf inside a girl,
(you say)
you say
(and off i’ll go from june to may)
And off I'll go from June to May
(oh whistling round the world)
Oh whistling round the world
(i met a golden swan upon the road)
I met a golden swan upon the road
(who was a handsome prince,)
Who was a handsome prince,
(so i was told)
so I was told
(i asked it the way to yesterday)
I asked it the way to yesterday
(then i was a sailor,)
Then I was a sailor,
(and through the day i sailed away)
and through the day I sailed away
(bluebird seas i sailed)
Bluebird seas I sailed
(with mermaids riding whales)
With mermaids riding whales
(oh whistle round the world)
Oh whistle round the world
(oh whistle round the world)
Oh whistle round the world
(i’m a little wolf inside a girl,)
I'm a little wolf inside a girl,
(you say)
you say
(and off i’ll go down wonder way)
And off I'll go down Wonder Way
(oh whistling round the world)
Oh whistling round the world
(through apple eyes)
Through apple eyes
(oh there are rose-coloured skylines)
Oh there are rose-coloured skylines
(where flying silver spoons)
Where flying silver spoons
(eat melting marmalade moons)
Eat melting marmalade moons
(through apple eyes)
Through apple eyes
(i see for millions of miles)
I see for millions of miles
(the sun’s a diamond shining)
The sun's a diamond shining
(in the nighttime of a summer day)
In the nighttime of a summer day
(a thousand sugar stars)
A thousand sugar stars
(oh put them in a jar)
Oh put them in a jar
(and then whistle round the world)
And then whistle round the world
(oh whistle round the world)
Oh whistle round the world
(i’m a little wolf inside a girl,)
I'm a little wolf inside a girl,
(you say)
you say
(and off i’ll go)
And off I'll go
((i can not stay))
(I can not stay)
(oh whistle round the world)
Oh whistle round the world
(let’s whistle round the world)
Let's whistle round the world
(whistle round the world)
Whistle round the world