プレイ回数364難易度(3.5) 1657打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
神撃のバハムート -GENESIS- のOPの歌詞打です。
SiM というバンドが歌う、EXiSTENCEの歌詞打です。


SiMというのはバンド名で、湘南出身のレゲェパンクバンドだそうです。2004年に結成し、当時はSilence iz Mineと名乗り、初期の頃はスリーピースバンドであったそうです。
CD店屋さんへ今すぐGO!!!!!!ε=┌( ・д・)┘

PV → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG0WMZmkbm4



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(i’m waiting for the sun rises again)

I'm waiting for the sun rises again

(rise up, let me see the sun)

rise up, let me see the sun

(people always say ”black or white”,)

people always say "Black or white",

(but the world is so gray)

but the world is so gray

(even angels and devils were once)

even angels and devils were once

(the son of god i praised)

the son of god I praised

(ていめいのげんいんはてまえのなかから ぜんぶひっくるめておまえのさが)

低迷の原因は手前の中から 全部ひっくるめてお前の性

(きづくころにはもう you’re in a coffin)

気づく頃にはもう you're in a coffin

(it’s too late)

It's too late

(if you want to do something)

if you want to do something

(what the hell is wrong with me?)

what the hell is wrong with me?

(i can’t remember)

I can't remember

(what i wanted to be?)

what I wanted to be?

(tick, tack, which is what i found?)

tick, tack, which is what I found?

(i can see the keys)

I can see the keys

(are scattered around)

are scattered around





(yes i know, yes i know that i...)

yes I know, yes I know that I...

(yes i know, yes i know that i...)

yes I know, yes I know that I...



(i’m the only one who can save myself)

I'm the only one who can save myself

(i’ll never forget)

I'll never forget

(”all i want to be is me”)

"all I want to be is me"



(time is money, but money)

time is money, but money

(won’t turn back the clock)

won't turn back the clock



(ふりかえるみちもなく のうにうじがわく)

振り返る道もなく 脳にウジが湧く

(へいわぼけでだらく みょうにせちがらく「らくにしねりゃあおんのじ」)

平和ボケで堕落 妙に世知辛く「楽に死ねりゃあ恩の字」



(it wasn’t supposed)

it wasn't supposed

(to be like this, hell no)

to be like this, hell no

(only the rain can bring us a rainbow)

only the rain can bring us a rainbow

(why don’t you stop)

why don't you stop

(counting on tomorrow?)

counting on tomorrow?





(yes i know, yes i know that i...)

yes I know, yes I know that I...

(yes i know, yes i know that i...)

yes I know, yes I know that I...

(i am only one)

I am only one

(i am only one)

I am only one

(who can stop this decadence)

who can stop this decadence

(and offer my presence)

and offer my presence

(i gotta do it myself)

I gotta do it myself

(if it goes wrong)

if it goes wrong

(the sun will rise again)

the sun will rise again

(the sun will rise again)

the sun will rise again



(i’m the only one who can save myself)

I'm the only one who can save myself

(even if it seems nothing is bright)

even if it seems nothing is bright

(the last bit of hope is getting)

the last bit of hope is getting

(out of my sight)

out of my sight

(total gain is slight,)

total gain is slight,

(can’t get sleep at night)

can't get sleep at night

(until the day i find a ray of light)

until the day I find a ray of light

(i’ll never give it up)

I'll never give it up





(yes i know, yes i know that i...)

yes I know, yes I know that I...

(yes i know, yes i know that i...)

yes I know, yes I know that I...



(i’m the only one who can save myself)

I'm the only one who can save myself

(i’ll never forget)

I'll never forget

(”all i want to be is me”)

"all I want to be is me"



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NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971