element 12

プレイ回数35難易度(4.5) 300秒 英語 英字


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(it's the single most famous story of scientific discovery in 1666)

it's the single most famous story of scientific discovery in 1666

(isaac newton was walking in his garden outside cambridge england)

isaac newton was walking in his garden outside cambridge england

(he saw an apple fall from a tree)

he saw an apple fall from a tree

(the fruit fell straight to the earth as if pulled by an invisible force)

the fruit fell straight to the earth as if pulled by an invisible force

(another story is that the apple hit newton on the head)

another story is that the apple hit newton on the head

(this ordinary observation led newton to come up with the concept of universal gravitation)

this ordinary observation led newton to come up with the concept of universal gravitation

(which explained everything from the falling apple to the orbit of the moon)

which explained everything from the falling apple to the orbit of the moon

(there is something appealing about such stories)

there is something appealing about such stories

(they reduce the scientific process to a moment of sudden inspiration)

they reduce the scientific process to a moment of sudden inspiration

(there is no description of his hard work)

there is no description of his hard work

(there is just a new idea produced by a genius)

there is just a new idea produced by a genius

(everybody knew that things fall it took newton to explain why)

everybody knew that things fall it took newton to explain why

(unfortunately, the story of the apple is almost certainly false)

unfortunately, the story of the apple is almost certainly false

(even if newton started thinking about gravity in 1666)

even if newton started thinking about gravity in 1666

(it took him years of hard work before he understood it)

it took him years of hard work before he understood it

(he filled entire notebooks with his rough ideas)

he filled entire notebooks with his rough ideas

(the discovery of gravity in other words)

the discovery of gravity in other words

(wasn't a flash of insight)

wasn't a flash of insight

(it required decades of effort which is one of the reasons newton didn't publish his theory until 1687)

it required decades of effort which is one of the reasons newton didn't publish his theory until 1687

(although many people have long celebrated newton's intelligence)

although many people have long celebrated newton's intelligence


(it's clear that his achievements were not just a result of his high intelligence)

it's clear that his achievements were not just a result of his high intelligence

(newton also had an amazing ability to carry on in the face of obstacles)

newton also had an amazing ability to carry on in the face of obstacles

(to continue working with the same puzzling mystery)

to continue working with the same puzzling mystery

(why did the apple fall but the moon remain in the sky)

why did the apple fall but the moon remain in the sky

(until he found the answer)

until he found the answer

(in recent years)

in recent years

(psychologist have come up with a term to describe this mental trait grit)

psychologist have come up with a term to describe this mental trait grit

(although the idea itself isn't new)

although the idea itself isn't new

(genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration)

genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration

(thomas edison famously said)

thomas edison famously said

(researchers quick are quick to point out)

researchers quick are quick to point out

(that grit isn't simply about the will to work hard)

that grit isn't simply about the will to work hard

(instead it's about setting a specific longterm goal)

instead it's about setting a specific longterm goal

(and doing whatever it takes until the goal has been reached)

and doing whatever it takes until the goal has been reached

(it's always much easier to give up but people with grit keep going)

it's always much easier to give up but people with grit keep going

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