
プレイ回数1130難易度(4.5) 2968打 英語 英字



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(It has come here before one is aware!)

It has come here before one is aware!

(It just doesn't get any better than this!)

It just doesn't get any better than this!

(I'll just sit here, and let you divide the cookies between us.)

I'll just sit here, and let you divide the cookies between us.

(Did you fall in love the first time you saw me?)

Did you fall in love the first time you saw me?

(Dogs can't count.)

Dogs can't count.

(Life is too short not to live it up a little.)

Life is too short not to live it up a little.

(In the book of life the answers are not in the back!)

In the book of life the answers are not in the back!

(Security is sleeping in the back seat of the car.)

Security is sleeping in the back seat of the car.

(Sometimes all we need is a little pampering to help us feel better.)

Sometimes all we need is a little pampering to help us feel better.

(A life should be planned like inning by inning.)

A life should be planned like inning by inning.

(He says it's terrible to go through life wishing you were something else.)

He says it's terrible to go through life wishing you were something else.

(Have you missed me as much as I've missed you?)

Have you missed me as much as I've missed you?

(What's the cure for disillusionment?)

What's the cure for disillusionment?

(Happiness is coming home from the hospital!)

Happiness is coming home from the hospital!

(I think what I like about her is that she hasn't tried to change me.)

I think what I like about her is that she hasn't tried to change me.

(Well, live in it, then!)

Well, live in it, then!

(When no one loves you, you have to pretend that everyone loves you.)

When no one loves you, you have to pretend that everyone loves you.

(Happiness is loving your enemies!)

Happiness is loving your enemies!

(When you got off the plane, you'd still be the same person you are.)

When you got off the plane, you'd still be the same person you are.

(Keep looking up, that's the secret of life.)

Keep looking up, that's the secret of life.


(I'm outrageously happy in my stupidity!)

I'm outrageously happy in my stupidity!

(Life is full of choices but you never get any!)

Life is full of choices but you never get any!

(Life gets better all the time.)

Life gets better all the time.

(I can understand your fear of being alone.)

I can understand your fear of being alone.

(Why do I do it?)

Why do I do it?

(Sometimes I wonder how you can stand being just a dog.)

Sometimes I wonder how you can stand being just a dog.

(I never promised you an apple orchard.)

I never promised you an apple orchard.

(I never knew love could be so much trouble.)

I never knew love could be so much trouble.

(We can't all be face cards, can we?)

We can't all be face cards, can we?

(Happiness is catching snowflakes on your tongue!)

Happiness is catching snowflakes on your tongue!

(We learn more from losing than we do from winning.)

We learn more from losing than we do from winning.

(Love makes you do strange things.)

Love makes you do strange things.

(It's not worth it to know you're not worth it!)

It's not worth it to know you're not worth it!

(You play with the cards you're dealt.)

You play with the cards you're dealt.

(Some friendships are doomed from the very beginning!)

Some friendships are doomed from the very beginning!

(Love is being happy just knowing that she's happy.)

Love is being happy just knowing that she's happy.

(One of the great joys in life is dinner and good conversation.)

One of the great joys in life is dinner and good conversation.

(Happiness is winning an argument with your sister!)

Happiness is winning an argument with your sister!

(Life is like a ten-speed bicycle, most of us have gears we never use.)

Life is like a ten-speed bicycle, most of us have gears we never use.

(Happiness is feeling the wind and the rain in your hair!)

Happiness is feeling the wind and the rain in your hair!

(I wasted a good worry!)

I wasted a good worry!

(Happiness is a piece of fudge caught on the first bounce.)

Happiness is a piece of fudge caught on the first bounce.

(One side is filled with hate and the other side is filled with love.)

One side is filled with hate and the other side is filled with love.

(Never take any advice that you can understand.)

Never take any advice that you can understand.

(I'm the first beagle on the moon!)

I'm the first beagle on the moon!

(Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to learn to lick it!)

Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to learn to lick it!

(Nighttime is so you can lie in bed and worry.)

Nighttime is so you can lie in bed and worry.

(We don't win any games, but I have happy players.)

We don't win any games, but I have happy players.

(Love is walking hand in hand.)

Love is walking hand in hand.

(Happiness is a thoughtful friend!)

Happiness is a thoughtful friend!

(I only dread one day at a time!)

I only dread one day at a time!

(Isn't it nice lying here without a care in the world?)

Isn't it nice lying here without a care in the world?

(You're a puzzle.)

You're a puzzle.

(If you want something done right, you should do it yourself!)

If you want something done right, you should do it yourself!

(The world can't come to an end today.)

The world can't come to an end today.

(Men never really listen to what women are saying, do they?)

Men never really listen to what women are saying, do they?

(Happiness is having your own library card!)

Happiness is having your own library card!

(Happiness is a warm puppy.)

Happiness is a warm puppy.

(The only time a dog gets complimented is when he doesn't do anything.)

The only time a dog gets complimented is when he doesn't do anything.

(Happiness is a Christmas vacation with no book reports to write!)

Happiness is a Christmas vacation with no book reports to write!

(Happiness is a compliment from your sister!)

Happiness is a compliment from your sister!

(A tragic life is romantic then it happens to somebody else.)

A tragic life is romantic then it happens to somebody else.

(Happiness is having the bell ring just as you are being called on to recite.)

Happiness is having the bell ring just as you are being called on to recite.

(The world is filled with Mondays.)

The world is filled with Mondays.

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