1.5 動詞 5

プレイ回数40難易度(3.8) 369打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I ensure a happy marriage,Nezuko-chan.)

I ensure a happy marriage,Nezuko-chan.

(The food renewed my strength.)

The food renewed my strength.

(Smoking poses a risk to your health.)

Smoking poses a risk to your health.

(Restrict your diet!)

Restrict your diet!

(This vitamin boosts your immune system from diseases.)

This vitamin boosts your immune system from diseases.

(Sakuragi altered his plan to a harder one.)

Sakuragi altered his plan to a harder one.

(He took much time to analyze the drugs.)

He took much time to analyze the drugs.

(He assumed that Nezuko passed away by sunlight.)

He assumed that Nezuko passed away by sunlight.

(I will construct our space station.)

I will construct our space station.

(Kotetsu adjusted the Zeroshiki.)

Kotetsu adjusted the Zeroshiki.