P1 動詞2

プレイ回数12難易度(3.9) 422打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Muzan is monitoring all demons.)

Muzan is monitoring all demons.

(The shock robbed him of emotions.)

The shock robbed him of emotions.

(The youth are thriving.)

The youth are thriving.

(The coach emphasized the importance of maintaining good health.)

The coach emphasized the importance of maintaining good health.

(Muzan enforces obedience on the Demons.)

Muzan enforces obedience on the Demons.

(We enhance each other at the camp.)

We enhance each other at the camp.

(The pain lessened gradually.)

The pain lessened gradually.

(Fight between the members is prohibited.)

Fight between the members is prohibited.

(Foger captured the penguin.)

Foger captured the penguin.

(Goku consulted Piccolo about the matter.)

Goku consulted Piccolo about the matter.

(COVID-19 was first detected in China.)

COVID-19 was first detected in China.

(Kise imiated Kagami's shot.)

Kise imiated Kagami's shot.



