English typing - 014

プレイ回数65難易度(4.4) 884打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(If everybody agrees, we'd like to set the date for the next meeting.)

If everybody agrees, we'd like to set the date for the next meeting.

(It was great talking with you.)

It was great talking with you.

(Please give me a call when you have a chance.)

Please give me a call when you have a chance.

(I hope we can stay in touch.)

I hope we can stay in touch.

(I think we can live with that.)

I think we can live with that.

(You guessed right.)

You guessed right.

(I appreciate your company as well.)

I appreciate your company as well.

(We're scheduled to take a taxi at the entrance.)

We're scheduled to take a taxi at the entrance.

(I commute by a train. Luckily, it takes only 20 minutes.)

I commute by a train. Luckily, it takes only 20 minutes.

(I couldn't agree with you more.)

I couldn't agree with you more.

(I'm quite sure that you have a sweet tooth.)

I'm quite sure that you have a sweet tooth.

(Can I say it's a wonderful day to work inside.)

Can I say it's a wonderful day to work inside.

(May I ask what line of business you are in?)

May I ask what line of business you are in?

(You must have been on the fast track for a promotion.)

You must have been on the fast track for a promotion.

(Thank you for your compliment.)

Thank you for your compliment.

(Thank you for letting me know.)

Thank you for letting me know.

(May I report on the progress of our latest project?)

May I report on the progress of our latest project?

(Who do you report to?)

Who do you report to?

(If anything happens, would you get in touch with me?)

If anything happens, would you get in touch with me?

(Would you spare me a few more minutes to discuss something about A?)

Would you spare me a few more minutes to discuss something about A?


(It's curious I can't print even if I specify A4 on my laptop.)

It's curious I can't print even if I specify A4 on my laptop.

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