English typing - 015

プレイ回数34難易度(4.5) 1127打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I'm unable to email from my laptop at this moment...)

I'm unable to email from my laptop at this moment...

(Sorry, I will not be able to make it on the 16th.)

Sorry, I will not be able to make it on the 16th.

(I may have a slight schedule conflict on the 16th.)

I may have a slight schedule conflict on the 16th.

(I'd much prefer the 17th of that's all right with you.)

I'd much prefer the 17th of that's all right with you.

(Would it be possible to alter the current appointment by any chance?)

Would it be possible to alter the current appointment by any chance?

(There doesn't seem to be any problem with that at all.)

There doesn't seem to be any problem with that at all.

(I would say I have a slightly different opinion.)

I would say I have a slightly different opinion.

(Our main concern is that it's only a tentative action.)

Our main concern is that it's only a tentative action.

(If I understood you correctly, you have another opinion.)

If I understood you correctly, you have another opinion.

(We were hoping for something around $80 each.)

We were hoping for something around $80 each.

(Could you meet us halfway at $95?)

Could you meet us halfway at $95?

(You'll be hearing from us within one week on this matter.)

You'll be hearing from us within one week on this matter.

(I'm sorry, but I misjudged the ending time of the previous meeting.)

I'm sorry, but I misjudged the ending time of the previous meeting.

(Please let me know your frank opinion about this matter.)

Please let me know your frank opinion about this matter.

(How would you like to pay for it?)

How would you like to pay for it?

(Unless you have any questions, I'd like to end my presentation.)

Unless you have any questions, I'd like to end my presentation.

(It will probably be done quickly.)

It will probably be done quickly.

(I'll be happy to answer your questions in a Q&A session at the end.)

I'll be happy to answer your questions in a Q&A session at the end.

(May I interrupt you for a second? I would like to ask you a question.)

May I interrupt you for a second? I would like to ask you a question.

(It's a pity that Paul is leaving us. He worked with us for three years.)

It's a pity that Paul is leaving us. He worked with us for three years.


(It's been a great pleasure working with you all.)

It's been a great pleasure working with you all.

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