生きる English ver.

プレイ回数501難易度(4.4) 1302打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 生きる  水野あつ feat. 可不  作詞水野あつ  作曲水野あつ
-You're my everything-
水野あつさんの「生きる」English ver.(Ifくん)です
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 カワサキ 5589 A 5.7 97.9% 232.4 1327 28 27 2024/07/05
2 さくら 4350 C+ 4.4 97.4% 297.0 1327 35 27 2024/07/06
3 さき 812 G 0.9 84.2% 1328.0 1327 248 27 2024/07/03



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Just a little bit more,should I try to keep living)

Just a little bit more,should I try to keep living

(But I can't go outside because I'm afraid of tomorrow coming)

But I can't go outside because I'm afraid of tomorrow coming

(I'm so sorry for being this kinda me)

I'm so sorry for being this kinda me

(There is the word I wanna tell to my mom and dad,thank you)

There is the word I wanna tell to my mom and dad,thank you

(Well,I dropped out the school That's my decision)

Well,I dropped out the school That's my decision

(I'm afraid of having just a conversation with people)

I'm afraid of having just a conversation with people

(I cannot believe this life still keeps lasting)

I cannot believe this life still keeps lasting

(Maybe,I will feel all alone tomorrow without you)

Maybe,I will feel all alone tomorrow without you

(Deep down,I am sure that I wanna keep living more)

Deep down,I am sure that I wanna keep living more

(I don't know because of you,I can't stop thinking about you)

I don't know because of you,I can't stop thinking about you

(I've always been and will always be,in love with you)

I've always been and will always be,in love with you

(I can't live without you You're my everything)

I can't live without you You're my everything

(It's fine not to be loved by anyone)

It's fine not to be loved by anyone

(It's so easier without expectation)

It's so easier without expectation

(I may look like weak compared to other around me)

I may look like weak compared to other around me

(It's alright I'm gonna be so alright)

It's alright I'm gonna be so alright

(When was the time I wished I don't wanna even remember)

When was the time I wished I don't wanna even remember

(Deep down,I am sure that I wanna keep living more)

Deep down,I am sure that I wanna keep living more

(I don't know because of you,I can't stop thinking about you)

I don't know because of you,I can't stop thinking about you

(I've always been and will always be,in love with you)

I've always been and will always be,in love with you

(I can't live without you You're my everything)

I can't live without you You're my everything

(All of the stars in the sky will disapper someday)

All of the stars in the sky will disapper someday

(Do you really think that I can live well like you by that time?)

Do you really think that I can live well like you by that time?

(The light of the moon illuminates this place for us as always)

The light of the moon illuminates this place for us as always

(This is the actual proof that I lived in this world)

This is the actual proof that I lived in this world

(Do you know that I still be alive tomorrow)

Do you know that I still be alive tomorrow

(Today is the last day)

Today is the last day