React Golang Python SQL

React, Golang, Python, SQL以外の構文も一部含まれていますが、悪しからず。
『プログラマー脳 ~優れたプログラマーになるための認知科学に基づくアプローチ』 フェリエンヌ・ヘルマンス (著), 水野貴明 (著), 水野いずみ (著)
順位 | 名前 | スコア | 称号 | 打鍵/秒 | 正誤率 | 時間(秒) | 打鍵数 | ミス | 問題 | 日付 |
1 | ku | 5193 | B+ | 5.3 | 97.2% | 79.9 | 427 | 12 | 10 | 2024/09/11 |
2 | ku | 5147 | B+ | 5.2 | 98.6% | 84.7 | 442 | 6 | 10 | 2024/11/07 |
3 | ミキオ | 2298 | F++ | 2.8 | 84.7% | 160.1 | 449 | 81 | 10 | 2024/12/31 |
4 | sote | 2054 | F+ | 2.2 | 90.4% | 168.4 | 387 | 41 | 10 | 2025/01/05 |
プレイ回数10万長文120秒 -
プレイ回数2607英語長文60秒 -
プレイ回数4万長文記号720打 -
プレイ回数34万274打 -
プレイ回数1415長文3599打 -
(fmt.Errorf("get job (jobID=%#v); %v", job.ID, err))
fmt.Errorf("get job (jobID=%#v); %v", job.ID, err)
(state = "Frozen" if temperature <= freeze else "Liquid")
state = "Frozen" if temperature <= freeze else "Liquid"
(print(f"value of name: {name}"))
print(f"value of name: {name}")
(def calculate_area(radius):)
def calculate_area(radius):
(for i in range(10):)
for i in range(10):
(console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);)
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
(for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { /* loop */ })
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { /* loop */ }
(for k, v := range m { fmt.Printf("%s = %d\n", k, v) })
for k, v := range m { fmt.Printf("%s = %d\n", k, v) }
(func Swap[T any](a, b T) (T, T) { return b, a })
func Swap[T any](a, b T) (T, T) { return b, a }
(SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY id ASC;)
SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY id ASC;
(INSERT INTO employees (id, name) VALUES (847, 'Emily Smith');)
INSERT INTO employees (id, name) VALUES (847, 'Emily Smith');
(x, y, z = 10, 38, 45 print(x, y, z))
x, y, z = 10, 38, 45 print(x, y, z)
(test = [1, 2, 3] print([*test, 4, 5]))
test = [1, 2, 3] print([*test, 4, 5])
(test = {'age': 47} if 'age' in test and test['age'] >= 47:)
test = {'age': 47} if 'age' in test and test['age'] >= 47:
(print([index * 2 for index in range(5)]))
print([index * 2 for index in range(5)])
(UPDATE employees SET salary = 58000 WHERE id = 369;)
UPDATE employees SET salary = 58000 WHERE id = 369;
(DELETE FROM employees WHERE id = 271;)
DELETE FROM employees WHERE id = 271;
(with open("filename", "r") as fd:)
with open("filename", "r") as fd:
(multiply = lambda x, y: x * y)
multiply = lambda x, y: x * y
(gen = (x**2 for x in range(10)))
gen = (x**2 for x in range(10))
(count_letters = {letter: word.count(letter) for letter in set(word)})
count_letters = {letter: word.count(letter) for letter in set(word)}
(counts = Counter('lol'))
counts = Counter('lol')
(perms = list(itertools.permutations([1, 2, 3])))
perms = list(itertools.permutations([1, 2, 3]))
(for index, value in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']):)
for index, value in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']):
(const [count, setCount] = useState(0);)
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
(useEffect(() => {}, []);)
useEffect(() => {}, []);
(const [counter, setCounter] = useRecoilState(counterAtom);)
const [counter, setCounter] = useRecoilState(counterAtom);
(<Button onClick = {() => alert('Button clicked!')}>)
<Button onClick = {() => alert('Button clicked!')}>
(const items = [4, 5, 6, 7]; => <div key = {item}> {item} </div>);)
const items = [4, 5, 6, 7]; => <div key = {item}> {item} </div>);
(const message = isLoggedIn ? 'Welcome!' : 'Please sign up.';)
const message = isLoggedIn ? 'Welcome!' : 'Please sign up.';
(Promise.all([promise1, promise2]) .then(values => { console.log(values); });)
Promise.all([promise1, promise2]) .then(values => { console.log(values); });
(let person: [string, number] = ['kimura', 50];)
let person: [string, number] = ['kimura', 50];
(const [one,] = list;)
const [one,] = list;