Clear Lesson13 例文

プレイ回数23難易度(4.5) 539打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(My mother's hobby is taking pictures of flowers.)

My mother's hobby is taking pictures of flowers.

(Editing photos is a lot of fun.)

Editing photos is a lot of fun.

(I enjoy singing in the choir at school.)

I enjoy singing in the choir at school.

(I'm thinking of trying rock climbing this summer.)

I'm thinking of trying rock climbing this summer.

(I considered changing my email address.)

I considered changing my email address.

(Do you mind my drawing a picture here?)

Do you mind my drawing a picture here?

(She was worried about her son getting sick.)

She was worried about her son getting sick.

(I'm very sorry for not coming to watch your dance show.)

I'm very sorry for not coming to watch your dance show.

(My mother doesn't like being talked to while she's reading.)

My mother doesn't like being talked to while she's reading.

(He went out without being seen by anybody.)

He went out without being seen by anybody.

(My aunt is proud of having been a cheerleader in college.)

My aunt is proud of having been a cheerleader in college.

(I'm sure of having met the girl before.)

I'm sure of having met the girl before.


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