discord/ living tombster

プレイ回数24難易度(3.8) 1355打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 Discord  The Living Tombstone  作詞LANDAU YOAV SHALOM  作曲LANDAU YOAV SHALOM
the  living tomboster this may be the oldres song.



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've a nagging fear)

I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've a nagging fear

(someone eise is pulling at the strings)

someone eise is pulling at the strings

(Something terrible is going down through the entire town)

Something terrible is going down through the entire town

(wreaking anarchy, and all it brings)

wreaking anarchy, and all it brings

(I can sit idly, no, I can't move at all)

I can sit idly, no, I can't move at all

(I curse the name, the one it brings)

I curse the name, the one it brings

(Discord,I'm howlin' at the moon)

Discord,I'm howlin' at the moon

(And sleepin' in the middle of a summer aftemoon)

And sleepin' in the middle of a summer aftemoon

(discord, whatever did we do)

discord, whatever did we do

(To make you take our would away?)

To make you take our would away?

(discord, are we your prey alone)

discord, are we your prey alone

(Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?)

Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?

(discord, we won't take it anymore)

discord, we won't take it anymore

(So take your tyranny away)

So take your tyranny away

(I'm fine with chaging status quo, but not in letting go)

I'm fine with chaging status quo, but not in letting go

(Now the world is beging torn apart)

Now the world is beging torn apart

(A terrieble catastrophe played by your symphony)

A terrieble catastrophe played by your symphony

(what a terrifying work of art)

what a terrifying work of art

(i ca't sit idly, not I can't move at all)

i ca't sit idly, not I can't move at all

(i curse the name, the one behind it all)

i curse the name, the one behind it all

(discord,I'm howlin' at the moon)

discord,I'm howlin' at the moon

(and sleepin' in the middle of a summer aftemoon)

and sleepin' in the middle of a summer aftemoon

(discord, whtever did we do)

discord, whtever did we do

(to make you take our world away?)

to make you take our world away?

(discord, are we your prey alone?)

discord, are we your prey alone?

(or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?)

or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?

(discord, we won't take it anymore)

discord, we won't take it anymore

(so take your tyranny away)

so take your tyranny away

(discord,I'm howlin' at the moon)

discord,I'm howlin' at the moon

(and sleepin' in the middle of a summer aftemoon)

and sleepin' in the middle of a summer aftemoon

(discord, whatever did we do)

discord, whatever did we do

(to make you take our world away?)

to make you take our world away?

(discord, are we you prey alone)

discord, are we you prey alone

(or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?)

or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?

(discord,we won't take it anymore)

discord,we won't take it anymore

(so take your tyranny away)

so take your tyranny away



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NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971