aqua iro palette

プレイ回数41難易度(1.8) 1932打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 #あくあ色ぱれっと  湊あくあ  作詞Junky  作曲Junky
湊あくあさんのaqua iro paletteです!



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示


I'm so clumsy in everything


that I do


Things go wrong


cause I make mistakes a lot


I feel like I'm so useless


But there is something


that I can do for you


When you are feeling blue and sad


I can always make you smile


I mean it


Don't be long, I need you ASAP


I am waiting for you to find me


(love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


I love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


ah, I love you so much)


(love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


I love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)


(ah, need you to love me more)


I'll be with you everytime you


need me


I'll be by your side


Let's laugh together


I want you to know more about me


Come and tell me that you


love me too


Not a morning person and so selfish


I am all thumbs and good for nothing


Will you still love me the way I am?


Don't let me go


The way to the future


that I'm always dreaming of


I wish I could take your hand


and walk the way with you


Hey baby


I really really want you to love me!


I cannot stop thinking about you




Look me in the eyes, don't go away


Oh no


I get into a stew, Ah


Want you to love me, love me forever


Fell in love with you so that


my heart is beating fast


Never turn away from me, darling


Oh no


I will never let you go forever


(love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


I love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)


(ah, need you to love me more)


I can do my best because I have you


You're the reason


that I'm not afraid to go


When I am feeling blue and sad


You really made my day


I could take a step forward


cause you are always with me


Can't even see anything


If you are not here with me


Having hard time


I had a really really bad bad day


I could get over


cause you made me fell happy


all the time


I am gonna lead you


I'll back you up so don't afraid


I will take you to the place


You're the reason why I live


I could try because of you


Will you love someone like me?


love the way I am?


Hey baby, hey darling


I need you


I will give you all my love


Hey, tell me


Now let me hear your voice


Hey baby Hey baby


I really really want you to love me!


You cannot stop thinking about me




Look me in the eyes


Don't go away


Yeah boy I will drive you crazy, Ah


Want you to love me, love me forever


Will you love me with all your


heart and soul?


Never turn away from me, darling


Oh no


I will never let you go forever


And ever, Just promise you


(love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


I love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


ah, I love you so much)


(love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


I love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


love you love you oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


Ah, I'm gonna love you more)



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971