【英文】Be the light/ワンオク

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(just the thought of another day)

Just the thought of another day

(how did we end up this way)

How did we end up this way

(what did we do wrong?)

What did we do wrong?



(even though the days go on)

Even though the days go on

(so far so far away from)

So far so far away from

(it seems so close)

It seems so close

(always weighing on my shoulder)

Always weighing on my shoulder

(a time like no other)

A time like no other

(it all changed on that day)

It all changed on that day

(sadness and so much pain)

Sadness and so much pain

(you can touch the sorrow here)

You can touch the sorrow here

(i don’t know what to blame)

I don't know what to blame

(i just watch and watch again)

I just watch and watch again

(even though the days go on)

Even though the days go on

(so far so far away from)

So far so far away from

(it seems so close)

It seems so close

(even though the days go on)

Even though the days go on

(so far so far away from)

So far so far away from

(it seems so close)

It seems so close

(what did it leave behind?)

What did it leave behind?

(what did it take from us)

What did it take from us

(and wash away?)

And wash away?

(it may be long)

It may be long

(but with our hearts start a new)

But with our hearts start a new

(and keep it up and not give up)

And keep it up and not give up

(with our heads held high)

With our heads held high

(you have seen hell)

You have seen hell

(and made it back again)

And made it back again

(how to forget? we can’t forget)

How to forget? We can't forget

(the lives that were lost)

The lives that were lost

(along the way)

Along the way

(and then you realize that)

And then you realize that

(wherever you go)

Wherever you go

(there you are)

There you are

(time won’t stop)

Time won't stop

(so we keep moving on)

So we keep moving on

(yesterday’s night turns to light)

Yesterday's night turns to light

(tomorrow’s night returns to light)

Tomorrow's night returns to light

(be the light)

Be the light

(always weighing on my shoulder)

Always weighing on my shoulder

(a time like no other)

A time like no other

(it all changed on that day)

It all changed on that day

(sadness and so much pain)

Sadness and so much pain

(anyone can close their eyes)

Anyone can close their eyes

(pretend that nothing is wrong)

Pretend that nothing is wrong

(open your eyes)

Open your eyes

(and look for light)

And look for light

(what did it leave behind?)

What did it leave behind?

(what did it take from us)

What did it take from us

(and wash away?)

And wash away?

(it may be long)

It may be long

(but with our hearts start a new)

But with our hearts start a new

(and keep it up and not give up)

And keep it up and not give up

(with our heads held high)

With our heads held high

(you have seen hell)

You have seen hell

(and made it back again)

And made it back again

(how to forget? we can’t forget)

How to forget? We can't forget

(the lives that were lost)

The lives that were lost

(along the way)

Along the way

(and then you realize that)

And then you realize that

(wherever you go)

Wherever you go

(there you are)

There you are

(time won’t stop)

Time won't stop

(so we keep moving on)

So we keep moving on

(yesterday’s night turns to light)

Yesterday's night turns to light

(tomorrow’s night returns to light)

Tomorrow's night returns to light

(be the light)

Be the light

(some days just pass by and)

Some days just pass by and

(some days are unforgettable)

Some days are unforgettable

(we can’t choose what to do)

We can't choose what to do

(from the day after)

From the day after

(so with that hope,)

So with that hope,

(with that determination)

With that determination

(let’s make tomorrow a brighter)

Let's make tomorrow a brighter

(and better day)

And better day



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