
プレイ回数524難易度(2.5) 1146打 長文 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(sunday monday tuesday)

sunday monday tuesday

(wednesday thursday friday saturday)

wednesday thursday friday saturday

(january february march)

january february march

(april may jue july august september)

april may jue july august september

(october november december)

october november december

(zero one two three four five)

zero one two three four five

(six seven eight nine ten)

six seven eight nine ten

(eleven twelve thirteen fourteen)

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

(fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen)

fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

(nineteen twenty thirty forty)

nineteen twenty thirty forty

(fifty sixty seventy hundred thousand)

fifty sixty seventy hundred thousand

(first second third fourth fifth)

first second third fourth fifth

(i my me mine)

i my me mine

(you your yours)

you your yours

(he his him)

he his him

(she her hers)

she her hers

(it its)

it its

(they their them theirs)

they their them theirs

(we our us ours)

we our us ours

(this that these those)

this that these those


(day week month year family)

day week month year family

(father mother mom brother)

father mother mom brother

(sister grandfather grandmother)

sister grandfather grandmother

(child house room)

child house room

(am are is be what when where which)

am are is be what when where which

(who whose why how yes no not)

who whose why how yes no not

(breakfast lunch dinner food)

breakfast lunch dinner food

(apple egg fish rice coffee tea)

apple egg fish rice coffee tea

(cake cup dish course game)

cake cup dish course game

(school teacher student classmate)

school teacher student classmate

(class pen pencil homework)

class pen pencil homework

(question subject english japanese)

question subject english japanese

(math music science like play)

math music science like play

(study get go meet sit stand)

study get go meet sit stand

(leave put bring take)

run walk swim leave put bring take

(many much some any every next sorry)

many much some any every next sorry

(sure pretty happy tired fine hot)

sure pretty happy tired fine hot

(different big color black red blue)

different big color black red blue

(white yellow spring summer)

white yellow spring summer

(fall winter sport baseball)

fall winter sport baseball

(basketball soccer tennis)

basketball soccer tennis

(japan america australia china animal)

japan america australia china animal

(bird cat dog morning afternoon)

bird cat dog morning afternoon

(evening night birthday)

evening night birthday

(computer number)

computer number

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