academic words 2

プレイ回数62難易度(2.8) 90秒 長文 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(advance notice)

advance notice

(join a committee)

join a committee

(make an online payment)

make an online payment

(this year’s budget)

this year's budget

(fill out an application)

fill out an application

(before signing a contract)

before signing a contract

(a management seminar)

a management seminar

(an employee’s performance)

an employee's performance

(we are pleased with the result.)

we are pleased with the result.

(confirm a payment)

confirm a payment

(awards ceremony)

awards ceremony

(a clothing store)

a clothing store

(products on display)

products on display

(a successful candidate)

a successful candidate

(what is stated about the hotel?)

what is stated about the hotel?

(a museum exhibit)

a museum exhibit

(a q&a session)

a Q&A session

(please note prices may change.)

please note prices may change.

(process an order)

process an order