プレイ回数45難易度(2.5) 629打 長文 英字



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(obviously, computers are)

Obviously, computers are

(pretty necessary today.)

pretty necessary today.

(i assume that it is difficult)

I assume that it is difficult

(for people who were born)

for people who were born

(in a time)

in a time

(when computers were)

when computers were

(already invented)

already invented

(to imagine the world)

to imagine the world

(without computers.)

without computers.

(if there were no computers,)

If there were no computers,

(what would be the differences)

what would be the differences

(between the old world)

between the old world

(and the new one?)

and the new one?

(in the world without computers,)

In the world without computers,

(working space would be limited.)

working space would be limited.

(computers use electronic data)

Computers use electronic data

(which do not have a physical body,)

which do not have a physical body,

(so these devices reduce)

so these devices reduce

(physical stuff in daily life.)

physical stuff in daily life.

(on the other hand,)

On the other hand,


(if there were no computers,)

if there were no computers,

(people would only have to use)

people would only have to use

(papers to record information)

papers to record information

(and these documents would occupy)

and these documents would occupy

(the spaces of our office,)

the spaces of our office,

(school, and house.)

school, and house.

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