CA Bar (Terms_vol.2)

プレイ回数61難易度(2.5) 90秒 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(objective manifestation of a willingness)

objective manifestation of a willingness



(mailbox rule)

mailbox rule

(constructive revocation)

constructive revocation

(mirror-image rule)

mirror-image rule

(condition precedent)

condition precedent

(condition subsequent)

condition subsequent

(intended beneficiary)

intended beneficiary

(incidental beneficiary)

incidental beneficiary

(parol evidence rule)

parol evidence rule

(expectation damages)

expectation damages

(consequential damages)

consequential damages

(restitutionary recovery)

restitutionary recovery

(harmful or offensive contact)

harmful or offensive contact

(reasonable apprehension)

reasonable apprehension

(an imminent harmful or offensive bodily contact)

an imminent harmful or offensive bodily contact

(false imprisonment)

false imprisonment

(trespass to chattel)

trespass to chattel



(trespass to land)

trespass to land


(negligence per ce)

negligence per ce

(zone of danger)

zone of danger

(proximate cause)

proximate cause

(contributory negligence)

contributory negligence

(comparative negligence)

comparative negligence

(joint and several liability)

joint and several liability



(vicarious liability)

vicarious liability

(attractive nuisance)

attractive nuisance

(involuntary manslaughter)

involuntary manslaughter

(felony murder)

felony murder





(accessory after the fact)

accessory after the fact

(knock and announce rule)

knock and announce rule

(intelligent and voluntary)

intelligent and voluntary

(character evidence)

character evidence

(right of self-incrimination)

right of self-incrimination

(best evidence rule)

best evidence rule

(spousal privilege)

spousal privilege

(rape shield)

rape shield

(Judicial admission)

Judicial admission

(Adoptive admission)

Adoptive admission

(Vicarious statements)

Vicarious statements

(Present Sense Impression)

Present Sense Impression

(Excited Utterance)

Excited Utterance

(fee simple determinable)

fee simple determinable

(fee simple subject to a condition subsequent)

fee simple subject to a condition subsequent

(fee simple subject to an executory condition)

fee simple subject to an executory condition

(vested remainder subject to open)

vested remainder subject to open

(contingent remainder)

contingent remainder

(vested remainder subject to complete divestment)

vested remainder subject to complete divestment

(Characterization of property)

Characterization of property

(Proration rule)

Proration rule

(supplemental jurisdiction)

supplemental jurisdiction

(personal jurisdiction)

personal jurisdiction

(subject matter jurisdiction)

subject matter jurisdiction



(federal question jurisdiction)

federal question jurisdiction

(proper venue)

proper venue

(Erie doctrine)

Erie doctrine

(preliminary injunction)

preliminary injunction

(a motion for judgment as a matter of law)

a motion for judgment as a matter of law

(claim preclusion)

claim preclusion

(collateral estoppel)

collateral estoppel

(mandatory disclosure)

mandatory disclosure

(a claim upon which relief can be granted)

a claim upon which relief can be granted

(temporary restraining order)

temporary restraining order

(amount in controversy)

amount in controversy

(diversity jurisdiction)

diversity jurisdiction

(complete diversity)

complete diversity

(permissive joinder)

permissive joinder

(compulsory joinder)

compulsory joinder



(cross claim)

cross claim





(relation back)

relation back

(discovery challenge)

discovery challenge

(summary judgement)

summary judgement

(common nucleus of operative fact)

common nucleus of operative fact

(adequate provocation)

adequate provocation

(voluntary manslaughter)

voluntary manslaughter

(overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy)

overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy

(heat of passion)

heat of passion

(imperfect defense)

imperfect defense

(a deliberate and premeditated murder)

a deliberate and premeditated murder

(plain view doctrine)

plain view doctrine

(Miranda warning)

Miranda warning

(protective sweep)

protective sweep

(peremptory challenges)

peremptory challenges

(custodial interrogation)

custodial interrogation

問題文を全て表示 一部のみ表示 誤字・脱字等の報告


タイピング練習講座 ローマ字入力表 アプリケーションの使い方 よくある質問

