
プレイ回数200難易度(4.2) 641打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(To maintain friendship, it is good for you to tell the truth.)

To maintain friendship, it is good for you to tell the truth.

(Eating, exercising and sleeping properly contribute to your health.)

Eating, exercising and sleeping properly contribute to your health.

(Having a goal in your life improves your time management skills.)

Having a goal in your life improves your time management skills.

(Working as a team helps us to maximize our productivity.)

Working as a team helps us to maximize our productivity.

(Universities should provide students with financial support.)

Universities should provide students with financial support.

(My school can save money by getting rid of paper-based communication.)

My school can save money by getting rid of paper-based communication.

(For me, taking public transportation is much cheaper than owning a car.)

For me, taking public transportation is much cheaper than owning a car.

(My coffee machine is cost effective because it makes great coffee and it costs less than buying coffee.)

My coffee machine is cost effective because it makes great coffee and it costs less than buying coffee.

(Running marathons can strengthen our immune system.)

Running marathons can strengthen our immune system.

(I can save time if I eat at restaurant.)

I can save time if I eat at restaurant.