
プレイ回数372難易度(4.5) 530打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(The article and the lecturer convey contrary views on whether xxx. The text explains that xxx and provides)

The article and the lecturer convey contrary views on whether xxx. The text explains that xxx and provides

(three reasons of support. However, the lecturer says that xxx and refutes each of the author's points.)

three reasons of support. However, the lecturer says that xxx and refutes each of the author's points.

(First, the reading says that xxx. The lecturer refutes this point by stating that xxx. He claims that xxx.)

First, the reading says that xxx. The lecturer refutes this point by stating that xxx. He claims that xxx.

(Second, the article states that xxx. Nonetheless, the lecturer says that xxx. According to the lecturer, xx.)

Second, the article states that xxx. Nonetheless, the lecturer says that xxx. According to the lecturer, xx.

(Finally, the reading says that xxx. The lecturer opposes this point by claiming that xxx. He also explains x)

Finally, the reading says that xxx. The lecturer opposes this point by claiming that xxx. He also explains x