
プレイ回数102万難易度(3.9) 690打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 あんたがたどこさ 5559 ネイティブ 5.6 98.0% 121.6 690 14 20 2025/01/12
2 おおやさん 4757 イギリス在住 5.0 95.3% 137.9 690 34 20 2025/02/17
3 noru 4038 イギリス在住 4.0 99.2% 169.6 690 5 20 2025/01/25
4 LINK 4013 イギリス在住 4.1 97.8% 168.2 690 15 20 2024/12/26
5 デスティーノ 3940 イギリス留学 4.0 96.6% 169.0 690 24 20 2025/01/27


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I will lose weight by summer!)

I will lose weight by summer!

(Let's eat more vegetables.)

Let's eat more vegetables.

(He goes to the gym after work.)

He goes to the gym after work.

(I continue to do light exercises every day.)

I continue to do light exercises every day.

(It is important to exercise moderately.)

It is important to exercise moderately.

(On second thoughts, I will start it from tomorrow.)

On second thoughts, I will start it from tomorrow.

(You shouldn't eat sweets.)

You shouldn't eat sweets.

(I hang up my jacket.)

I hang up my jacket.

(I dressed up with high motivation.)

I dressed up with high motivation.

(Do these clothes look good on me?)

Do these clothes look good on me?

(I am ironing a dress shirt now.)

I am ironing a dress shirt now.

(She is wearing a flower patterned one-piece dress.)

She is wearing a flower patterned one-piece dress.

(My dad bought a white blouse for me.)

My dad bought a white blouse for me.

(I like casual clothes.)

I like casual clothes.

(We watched our steps while moving forward.)

We watched our steps while moving forward.

(Mountain weather is changeable.)

Mountain weather is changeable.

(I walk while seeing the beautiful view.)

I walk while seeing the beautiful view.

(I go hiking with my family.)

I go hiking with my family.

(The view from the top of the mountain is wonderful!)

The view from the top of the mountain is wonderful!

(He checked the route on the map.)

He checked the route on the map.