
プレイ回数103万難易度(4.5) 920打 英語 英字






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順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 でゅあ 5212 ネイティブ 5.2 98.8% 174.4 920 11 20 2025/03/15
2 nullnull 4876 イギリス在住 5.0 96.7% 182.3 920 31 20 2025/03/15
3 おおやさん 4816 イギリス在住 5.1 94.2% 179.4 920 56 20 2025/03/15
4 hinachan 4749 イギリス在住 4.9 95.9% 185.5 920 39 20 2025/03/16
5 きょん 3217 イギリス留学 3.6 90.3% 255.5 920 98 20 2025/03/15


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(While I was soaking in the bathtub, I began to feel sleepy.)

While I was soaking in the bathtub, I began to feel sleepy.

(It is an open-air bath with a view.)

It is an open-air bath with a view.

(Do not swim in hot springs!)

Do not swim in hot springs!

(The water bath after the sauna is great!)

The water bath after the sauna is great!

(He drank the milk all at once.)

He drank the milk all at once.

(Parents are crying more than children.)

Parents are crying more than children.

(I cried when I heard the farewell words.)

I cried when I heard the farewell words.

(Let's take a memorial photo at the end with everyone smiling!)

Let's take a memorial photo at the end with everyone smiling!

(Today is the last time I will wear a uniform.)

Today is the last time I will wear a uniform.

(We'll always be friends no matter how far apart we are.)

We'll always be friends no matter how far apart we are.

(I am so full of emotion that I can't sing the school song.)

I am so full of emotion that I can't sing the school song.

(Our three years are filled with memories.)

Our three years are filled with memories.

(I will never forget the days I spent in this classroom.)

I will never forget the days I spent in this classroom.

(I just can't believe that today is the last day.)

I just can't believe that today is the last day.

(How many minutes will it take to walk from the station?)

How many minutes will it take to walk from the station?

(She dreams of living alone in Tokyo.)

She dreams of living alone in Tokyo.

(I plan to share a house with my best friend.)

I plan to share a house with my best friend.

(It is large enough for one person to live alone.)

It is large enough for one person to live alone.

(He was surprised at the high cost of rent.)

He was surprised at the high cost of rent.

(Please look for apartments with separate bathrooms and toilets.)

Please look for apartments with separate bathrooms and toilets.