
プレイ回数102万難易度(4.3) 821打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 たいさ 6672 英文学者 6.9 95.6% 117.5 821 37 20 2025/01/14
2 せお 6304 英文学者 6.6 95.0% 123.4 821 43 20 2025/02/07
3 maumau 6230 英文学者 6.3 97.5% 128.4 821 21 20 2024/12/24
4 せお 6171 英文学者 6.5 94.0% 124.6 821 52 20 2025/01/07
5 chika 5733 ネイティブ 5.7 100% 143.2 821 0 20 2025/02/11


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(He yearns for a house with a fireplace.)

He yearns for a house with a fireplace.

(Distance is important for both people and heater.)

Distance is important for both people and heater.

(I never want to leave my house today!)

I never want to leave my house today!

(Be careful not to leave the heater on!)

Be careful not to leave the heater on!

(It is a comfortable air-conditioned room.)

It is a comfortable air-conditioned room.

(It is about time to buy a new A/C.)

It is about time to buy a new A/C.

(Grandpa never leaves in front of the heater.)

Grandpa never leaves in front of the heater.

(Should I also turn on a humidifier?)

Should I also turn on a humidifier?

(I left home with a remote control by mistake.)

I left home with a remote control by mistake.

(When I turned on the heater, cats came together.)

When I turned on the heater, cats came together.

(It is hot. Can you turn off the heater?)

It is hot. Can you turn off the heater?

(I'm glad that an oil heater warms up quickly.)

I'm glad that an oil heater warms up quickly.

(It will be a "White Christmas" this year.)

It will be a "White Christmas" this year.

(When Christmas comes, the town becomes lively.)

When Christmas comes, the town becomes lively.

(I notice that there are couples all around.)

I notice that there are couples all around.

(My son is so happy to get a present.)

My son is so happy to get a present.

(Great dishes were served on the table.)

Great dishes were served on the table.

(The city shines on a holy night.)

The city shines on a holy night.

(When you grow up, you will find out who Santa is.)

When you grow up, you will find out who Santa is.

(We pulled a Christmas tree out of storage.)

We pulled a Christmas tree out of storage.