
プレイ回数97万難易度(4.2) 797打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 たいさ 6768 英文学者 6.9 97.0% 114.2 797 24 20 2024/10/27
2 ぴぴぴ 5694 ネイティブ 5.7 98.7% 138.2 797 10 20 2024/09/29
3 あみむめも 4547 イギリス在住 4.9 93.1% 162.3 797 59 20 2024/09/25
4 noru 4252 イギリス在住 4.3 97.4% 182.5 797 21 20 2024/11/22
5 TAIZIN 4185 イギリス在住 4.2 98.6% 187.8 797 11 20 2024/11/06


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(We work together to pitch a tent.)

We work together to pitch a tent.

(The air in the forest makes us feel good.)

The air in the forest makes us feel good.

(We are excited at a campfire.)

We are excited at a campfire.

(Let's cook curry together.)

Let's cook curry together.

(It is a quiet night where we can hear only the sounds of bugs.)

It is a quiet night where we can hear only the sounds of bugs.

(It is the first time for me to sleep in a sleeping bag.)

It is the first time for me to sleep in a sleeping bag.

(Kids are enjoying climbing a tree.)

Kids are enjoying climbing a tree.

(We should take garbage back home.)

We should take garbage back home.

(Can you get water from that river?)

Can you get water from that river?

(Be careful when you are handling fire!)

Be careful when you are handling fire!

(I bought a comic book from an ebook internet site.)

I bought a comic book from an ebook internet site.

(I can learn a lot from historical novels.)

I can learn a lot from historical novels.

(I read a book on the train while commuting.)

I read a book on the train while commuting.

(I return the book I have read to the shelf.)

I return the book I have read to the shelf.

(I read a book while imagining the scenes.)

I read a book while imagining the scenes.

(I read various kinds of books.)

I read various kinds of books.

(It is nice relaxing and reading books in the cafe.)

It is nice relaxing and reading books in the cafe.

(I always have a paperback book in my bag.)

I always have a paperback book in my bag.

(I was asked, "Is that book interesting?")

I was asked, "Is that book interesting?"

(The book has a high-impact title.)

The book has a high-impact title.