Imitation Rain/SixTONES

プレイ回数466難易度(3.2) 1103打 歌詞 長文モード可
楽曲情報 Imitation Rain  SixTONES  作詞YOSHIKI  作曲YOSHIKI
※このタイピングは「Imitation Rain」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(imitation rain)

Imitation Rain

(you said i will be the sky and you)

You said I will be the sky and you

(will be the sun to shine)

will be the sun to shine

(fake dreams)

Fake dreams







(imitation rain)

Imitation Rain


時には激しく 心に降り注ぐ

(shall we play this game)

Shall we play this game


紅に染まるまで 雨に打たれて


目を閉じて 翼を広げて

(close your eyes)

Close your eyes

(lalala lalala lalala)

Lalala lalala lalala

(you will be loved)

you will be loved


飛び立つのさ 土砂降りの雨の中

(we’ll fly)

Well fly

(imitation rain)

Imitation Rain


時には激しく 心に降り注ぐ

(shall we play this game)

Shall we play this game


紅に染まるまで 雨に打たれて

(dancing in the rain’till love)

Dancing in the raintill love

(comes to life)

comes to life

(what’s the meaning oflife)

Whats the meaning oflife

(what’s the point of getting it right)

Whats the point of getting it right

(cause everything is fake)

Cause everything is fake

(everybody blames)

Everybody blames

(to keep the faith)

To keep the faith

(just say, everything breaks)

Just say, everything breaks

(price of fame. what’s to blame)

Price of fame. Whats to blame

(cuts my mind like a razor blade)

Cuts my mind like a razor blade

(breaking down. i’m breaking down)

Breaking down. Im breaking down

(piece of mind is shutting down)

Piece of mind is shutting down

(should i play this endless game)

Should I play this endless game

(dancing in the rain)

Dancing in the rain



(keep dancing in the rain’till love)

keep dancing in the raintill love

(comes to life)

comes to life

(shall we play this game)

Shall we play this game


紅に染まるまで 雨に打たれて





(my friend)

My friend





(imitation rain)

Imitation Rain


時には激しく 心に降り注ぐ

(shall we play this game)

Shall we play this game


紅に染まるまで 雨に打たれて