Do You Want To Build ~

プレイ回数398難易度(2.9) 728打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 雪だるまつくろう  神田沙也加・稲葉菜月・諸星すみれ  作詞クリステン・アンダーソン=ロペス&ロバート・ロペス  作曲クリステン・アンダーソン=ロペス&ロバート・ロペス
「Do You Want To Build A Snowman」

背景は GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 2.0 
著者: pareeerica よりお借りしています。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(do you wanna build a snowman?)

Do you wanna build a snowman?

(come on lets go and play)

Come on lets go and play

(i never see you anymore)

I never see you anymore

(come out the door)

Come out the door

(it’s like you’ve gone away)

It's like you've gone away

(we used to be best buddies)

We used to be best buddies

(and now we’re not)

And now we're not

(i wish you would tell me why!)

I wish you would tell me why!

(do you wanna build a snowman?)

Do you wanna build a snowman?

(it doesn’t have to be a snowman.)

It doesn't have to be a snowman.

(okay, bye...)

Okay, bye...

(do you wanna build a snowman?)

Do you wanna build a snowman?

(or ride our bikes around the halls)

Or ride our bikes around the halls

(i think some company is overdue)

I think some company is overdue

(i’ve started talking to)

I've started talking to

(the pictures on the walls)

the pictures on the walls

(it gets a little lonely)

It gets a little lonely

(all these empty rooms,)

All these empty rooms,

(just watching the hours tick by)

Just watching the hours tick by



(please, i know you’re in there,)

Please, I know you're in there,

(people are asking where you’ve been)

People are asking where you've been

(they say ”have courage”,)

They say "have courage",

(and i’m trying to)

and I'm trying to

(i’m right out here for you,)

I'm right out here for you,

(just let me in)

just let me in

(we only have each other)

We only have each other

(it’s just you and me)

It's just you and me

(what are we gonna do?)

What are we gonna do?

(do you wanna build a snowman?)

Do you wanna build a Snowman?



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971