
プレイ回数92万難易度(4.1) 768打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 たいさ 5905 ネイティブ 6.2 94.5% 122.6 768 44 20 2024/06/20
2 HAKU 5524 ネイティブ 5.7 96.7% 134.3 768 26 20 2024/07/09
3 名も無きタイパー 4768 イギリス在住 4.9 96.7% 155.6 768 26 20 2024/06/09
4 さくら 4726 イギリス在住 4.8 97.8% 158.9 768 17 20 2024/06/28
5 titiemon 4517 イギリス在住 4.6 97.5% 165.8 768 19 20 2024/07/14


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(It is a pancake with a simple taste.)

It is a pancake with a simple taste.

(I ate a jelly with whole fruits in it.)

I ate a jelly with whole fruits in it.

(I buy sweets to treat myself.)

I buy sweets to treat myself.

(When I get tired, I want something sweet.)

When I get tired, I want something sweet.

(Hard pudding is popular now.)

Hard pudding is popular now.

(I bought a soft ice cream at the store.)

I bought a soft ice cream at the store.

(I keep eating until someone stops me.)

I keep eating until someone stops me.

(I check the route to the destination.)

I check the route to the destination.

(What kind of car did he buy?)

What kind of car did he buy?

(My friend is dozing in the passenger seat.)

My friend is dozing in the passenger seat.

(I turn right with the winker on.)

I turn right with the winker on.

(I hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands.)

I hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

(The breeze coming in through the window feels good.)

The breeze coming in through the window feels good.

(I glanced at the mirror.)

I glanced at the mirror.

(There is a car driving slowly along the seaside road.)

There is a car driving slowly along the seaside road.

(Don't forget your driver's license!)

Don't forget your driver's license!

(I'm thinking of trying to go a little farther.)

I'm thinking of trying to go a little farther.

(If you want, can we go for a drive to the beach?)

If you want, can we go for a drive to the beach?

(His personality changes when he drives a car.)

His personality changes when he drives a car.

(I always try to drive safely.)

I always try to drive safely.