
プレイ回数102万難易度(4.3) 810打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 たいさ 6864 英文学者 7.1 95.8% 112.9 810 35 20 2024/12/27
2 あみむめも 4824 イギリス在住 5.1 93.9% 157.1 810 52 20 2024/12/30
3 おおやさん 4633 イギリス在住 4.9 93.9% 163.6 810 52 20 2025/02/11
4 s 4550 イギリス在住 5.0 91.4% 161.3 810 76 20 2025/01/13
5 キャプテンリンガ 4364 イギリス在住 4.4 98.3% 182.4 810 14 20 2025/01/15


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(How much storage is available in this house?)

How much storage is available in this house?

(I'm looking for a room to live alone.)

I'm looking for a room to live alone.

(I'd like to live in a room with a loft.)

I'd like to live in a room with a loft.

(This apartment has an automatic lock.)

This apartment has an automatic lock.

(He is looking for an apartment close to the station.)

He is looking for an apartment close to the station.

(I check where to put the washing machine.)

I check where to put the washing machine.

(Let's turn off our smartphones.)

Let's turn off our smartphones.

(Which do you like better, Japanese or foreign movies?)

Which do you like better, Japanese or foreign movies?

(I can't wait for the release date of this movie!)

I can't wait for the release date of this movie!

(It's the number one movie in America.)

It's the number one movie in America.

(He went to see a romantic movie with his girlfriend.)

He went to see a romantic movie with his girlfriend.

(I saw a movie of a popular animation with my children.)

I saw a movie of a popular animation with my children.

(She booked a seat in the middle.)

She booked a seat in the middle.

(An old man is taking his dog for a walk.)

An old man is taking his dog for a walk.

(I put a collar with a bell on the cat.)

I put a collar with a bell on the cat.

(She calculated the cost of feeding the cat.)

She calculated the cost of feeding the cat.

(What does pet food taste like?)

What does pet food taste like?

(He goes to dog training classes.)

He goes to dog training classes.

(Her dream is to have tropical fish.)

Her dream is to have tropical fish.

(When I was a child, I had a turtle.)

When I was a child, I had a turtle.