
プレイ回数102万難易度(4.4) 882打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 せお 6124 英文学者 6.3 96.1% 138.3 882 35 20 2025/01/07
2 true 5498 ネイティブ 5.6 97.5% 156.4 882 22 20 2025/02/19
3 おおやさん 5086 ネイティブ 5.2 96.2% 166.7 882 34 20 2025/02/16
4 あみむめも 4657 イギリス在住 4.8 95.6% 180.8 882 40 20 2025/01/23
5 あき 3841 イギリス留学 4.1 93.1% 212.7 882 65 20 2025/02/12


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(My father made his flight reservations online.)

My father made his flight reservations online.

(Tulips of many colors bloomed.)

Tulips of many colors bloomed.

(Lured by flowers, bees come.)

Lured by flowers, bees come.

(Take a picture in front of the flower bed!)

Take a picture in front of the flower bed!

(I gave a bouquet of flowers to the person who had taken care of me.)

I gave a bouquet of flowers to the person who had taken care of me.

(Many nameless flowers decorate the roadside.)

Many nameless flowers decorate the roadside.

(How many flowers does a bouquet start with?)

How many flowers does a bouquet start with?

(I am nervous about my first flight in my life.)

I am nervous about my first flight in my life.

(The beautiful emerald green sea spread out.)

The beautiful emerald green sea spread out.

(He went on a trip to the world heritage sites.)

He went on a trip to the world heritage sites.

(She took pictures as a memory of the trip.)

She took pictures as a memory of the trip.

(Traveling alone is free and easy.)

Traveling alone is free and easy.

(It's exciting just to make a plan!)

It's exciting just to make a plan!

(My uncle told me about his trip to Hawaii many times.)

My uncle told me about his trip to Hawaii many times.

(I visited a world-famous museum.)

I visited a world-famous museum.

(Someday, I would like to accomplish my dream of traveling around the world!)

Someday, I would like to accomplish my dream of traveling around the world!

(I went on a three-day, two-night tour with a friend.)

I went on a three-day, two-night tour with a friend.

(I renewed my passport for an overseas trip.)

I renewed my passport for an overseas trip.

(Even trouble is a good memory if we enjoy it.)

Even trouble is a good memory if we enjoy it.

(If you are stuck in life, take a trip.)

If you are stuck in life, take a trip.