Here We Go!3年Unit3文法

プレイ回数33難易度(4.1) 382打 英語 英字
Here We Go 3年Unit3文法的な文
Here We Go 3年Unit3文法的な文 お試しで。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(It has been raining since this morning.)

It has been raining since this morning.

(We have been playing this video game for three hours.)

We have been playing this video game for three hours.

(It's important to eat breakfast.)

It's important to eat breakfast.

(Is it hard for you to get up early?)

Is it hard for you to get up early?

(How long have you stayed in Japan?)

How long have you stayed in Japan?

(I've been a Doraemon fan since childhood.)

I've been a Doraemon fan since childhood.

(Kota has known Tina for two years.)

Kota has known Tina for two years.

(It was fun for us to visit Kyoto.)

It was fun for us to visit Kyoto.

(Nick has wanted to snowboard for a long time.)

Nick has wanted to snowboard for a long time.

(I have lived here since I was three.)

I have lived here since I was three.



タイピング練習講座 ローマ字入力表 アプリケーションの使い方 よくある質問

