Zero Eclipse 短縮版 進撃の巨人

プレイ回数82難易度(2.7) 765打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 ZERO ECLIPSE  澤野 弘之  作詞Benjamin  作曲澤野 弘之
full verが長すぎたので、分割しました。
※このタイピングは「ZERO ECLIPSE」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I had wandered the walls forever)

I had wandered the walls forever

(But came upon a way for my return)

But came upon a way for my return

(Heard your name in a conversation)

Heard your name in a conversation

(Your kindness I'd yet to learn)

Your kindness I'd yet to learn

(Life has been like an endless nightmare)

Life has been like an endless nightmare

(And now your light it leads me home again)

And now your light it leads me home again

(Is it fate to be smashed to pieces?)

Is it fate to be smashed to pieces?

(If you go, we go together)

If you go, we go together

(For now you are a part of me)

For now you are a part of me

(I will defend and honor thee)

I will defend and honor thee

(Jealousy will get me into trouble)

Jealousy will get me into trouble

(Since I met you kid my blades are double!)

Since I met you kid my blades are double!

(Sad am I to never hear you sigh)

Sad am I to never hear you sigh

(Of ecstasy)

Of ecstasy

(And fingertips)

And fingertips

(You're trembling)

You're trembling

(We share a kiss)

We share a kiss

(Our worlds eclipse)

Our worlds eclipse

(You're bigger)

You're bigger



(Why do you hide?)

Why do you hide?

(I will shiver)

I will shiver



(It's suicide!)

It's suicide!

(But if there's no desire)

But if there's no desire

(To get back out alive)

To get back out alive

(You're a zero!)

You're a zero!

(You're bigger)

You're bigger



(Why do you ride?)

Why do you ride?

(I will shiver)

I will shiver



(Into the fire!)

Into the fire!

(You just get out alive!)

You just get out alive!

(We'll let our worlds collide)

We'll let our worlds collide

(We are bigger!)

We are bigger!



タイピング練習講座 ローマ字入力表 アプリケーションの使い方 よくある質問



JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971