
プレイ回数471難易度(2.6) 950打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
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Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 Memory Snow
「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 Memory Snow」挿入歌
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1 キングクサシ 3073 剣鬼 3.5 87.7% 265.8 950 133 45 2025/01/24



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示



(we made a small base on the grass)

We made a small base on the grass



(we drew some pictures of)

We drew some pictures of

(mountains and flowers)

mountains and flowers

(i felt like time flied)

I felt like time flied

(when it was beautiful)

when it was beautiful



(we walked around singing a song)

We walked around singing a song



(a quiet talk made us know each other)

A quiet talk made us know each other

(you might know what i thought)

You might know what I thought

(sometimes destiny is cruel and cold)

Sometimes destiny is cruel and cold

(but i wish i could be)

But I wish I could be

(with you forever)

with you forever

(hi, you)

Hi, you

(let’s smile like the sun)

Let's smile like the sun

(and sing like a bird)

And sing like a bird

(and walk like a cloud)

And walk like a cloud

(all of you will be memories)

All of you will be memories

(and i want to remember)

And I want to remember

(to the end of time)

to the end of time



(we made a promise to come back)

We made a promise to come back



(i have been waiting for you ever)

I have been waiting for you ever

(since on this wonderful day)

since On this wonderful day

(i wish you stayed alive)

I wish you stayed alive

(even if the sun never rises)

Even if the sun never rises

(even if the birds disappear)

Even if the birds disappear

(even if the sky is covered)

Even if the sky is covered

(with the black clouds)

with the black clouds

(we would solve all)

We would solve all

(hi, you)

Hi, you

(let’s smile like the sun)

Let's smile like the sun

(and sing like a bird)

And sing like a bird

(and walk like a cloud)

And walk like a cloud

(all of you will be memories)

All of you will be memories

(and i want to remember)

And I want to remember

(to the end of time)

to the end of time



(we were just friends without a doubt)

We were just friends without a doubt

(would you forgive me)

Would you forgive me

(for my selfishness?)

for my selfishness?

(let’s meet here again)

Let's meet here again



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971