we are

プレイ回数4122難易度(3.6) 1107打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
 ONE OK ROCK 【We are】です。歌詞の意味について考えさせられる曲です。
※このタイピングは「WE ARE」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 ララ 2309 F++ 2.5 90.8% 431.2 1107 111 46 2024/09/22



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(they think that we’re no one)

They think that we're no one

(we’re nothing, not sorry)

we're nothing, not sorry

(they push us)

they push us

(it’s too late, it’s too late)

It's too late, it's too late

(not going back)

Not going back

(ゆめはおわり めをさますとき ぜつぼうやきぼうもどうじにめをさました)

夢は終わり 目を覚ます時 絶望や希望も同時に目を覚ました

(かがみにうつった ぼくがといかける)

鏡に映った 僕が問いかける



(when you’re standing on the edge)

When you're standing on the edge

(so young and hopeless)

So young and hopeless

(got demons in your head)

Got demons in your head

(we are, we are)

We are, we are

(no ground beneath your feet)

No ground beneath your feet

(now here to hold you)

Now here to hold you

(’cause we  are, we are)

'cause we are, we are

(the colors in the dark)

The colors in the dark





(they are the weakest)

They are the weakest

(they don’t even know)

They don't even know

(anything they say)

Anything they say

(will never break our hearts of gold)

Will never break our hearts of gold

(when you’re standing on the edge)

When you're standing on the edge

(so young and hopeless)

So young and hopeless

(got demons in your head)

Got demons in your head

(we are, we are)

We are, we are

(no ground beneath your feet)

No ground beneath your feet

(now here to hold you)

Now here to hold you

(’cause we are, we are)

'cause we are, we are

(the colors in the dark)

The colors in the dark

(never tell yourself)

Never tell yourself

(you should be someone else)

You should be someone else

(stand up tall and say)

Stand up tall and say

(i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid)

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

(so never tell yourself)

So never tell yourself

(you should be someone else)

You should be someone else

(stand up tall and say)

Stand up tall and say

(i’m not afraid)

I'm not afraid

(when you’re standing on the edge)

When you're standing on the edge

(so young and hopeless)

So young and hopeless

(got demons in your head)

Got demons in your head

(we are, we are)

We are, we are

(no ground beneath your feet)

No ground beneath your feet

(now here to hold you)

Now here to hold you

(’cause we are, we are)

'cause we are, we are

(the colors in the dark)

The colors in the dark