
投稿者投稿者Hiroki Gendaいいね0お気に入り登録
プレイ回数75難易度(2.9) 60秒 長文 英字


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(that’s going too far.)

That's going too far.

(round up down)

round up down



(bring up)

bring up

(i dried myself with a towel.)

I dried myself with a towel.

(the movie is about to start.)

The movie is about to start.

(let’s put that aside for now.)

Let's put that aside for now.

(take it seriously)

take it seriously

(at this rate)

At this rate

(i’ll take the posters off the wall.)

I'll take the posters off the wall.

(time difference)

time difference

(i think it is unlikely to)

I think it is unlikely to

(have (a) great effect on)

have (a) great effect on

(he is under observation)

He is under observation

(fall down)

fall down

(we have to shorten the time.)

We have to shorten the time.

(before it’s too late)

before it's too late

(i pointed out his mistakes to him.)

I pointed out his mistakes to him.

(without hesitation.)

without hesitation.

(don’t disturb me.)

Don't disturb me.


(our efforts were rewarded)

Our efforts were rewarded

(don’t look away.)

Don't look away.

(i was spacing out.)

I was spacing out.

(he forced me to work late.)

He forced me to work late.

(i don’t want to make any trouble.)

I don't want to make any trouble.

(i’ll get it done.)

I'll get it done.

(~ than ever)

~ than ever

(to put it lightly(mildly), ~.)

To put it lightly(mildly), ~.

(it may well be that you got angry.)

It may well be that you got angry.

(the parent praised their child)

The parent praised their child

(it looks to me like a good choice.)

It looks to me like a good choice.

(only if you want to go.)

Only if you want to go.

(that’s all very well, but ...)

That's all very well, but ...

(it’s nothing to worry about.)

It's nothing to worry about.

(i’ll be in touch.)

I'll be in touch.

(you’ll be ok.)

You'll be OK.

(i feel comfortable with you.)

I feel comfortable with you.

(don’t you think we should ....?)

Don't you think we should ....?

(everything and anything;)

everything and anything;

(i agree with you up to a point.)

I agree with you up to a point.

(i wouldn’t have thought ..)

I wouldn't have thought ..

(as is often the case)

as is often the case

(going back to your point, ....)

Going back to your point, ....

(what would you like?)

What would you like?

(i don’t always study english.)

I don’t always study English.

(i’m here for a meeting)

I'm here for a meeting

(do you think you could help me to ?)

Do you think you could help me to ?

(would you mind if i sit here ?)

Would you mind if I sit here ?

(is that really okay with you?)

Is that really okay with you?

(it doesn’t matter who is wrong)

It doesn't matter who is wrong

(every time i go out)

Every time I go out

(i’d appreciate if you would come)

I'd appreciate if you would come

(it would be better if you)

It would be better if you

(i’m tired of his big talk)

I'm tired of his big talk

(it doesn’t matter so much)

It doesn't matter so much

(that’s how i feel)

That's how I feel

(the most common problem is)

The most common problem is

(there’s a long way to go)

There's a long way to go

(be well  known)

be well known

(which is which?)

Which is which?

(take care)

Take care

(that’s so random)

That's so random

(never mind the details!)

Never mind the details!

(let’s do something)

Let's do something

(enough already)

Enough already

(now i remember)

now I remember

(that reminds me)

that reminds me

(where were we?)

Where were we?

(if you insist)

If you insist

(all you have to do is smile)

All you have to do is smile

(i don’t know why but)

I don't know why but

(i’m freezing)

I'm freezing

(no kidding)

No kidding

(even if you say so,)

Even if you say so,

(that’s awful)

That's awful

(you’ve gone too far)

You've gone too far



(so far so good)

So far so good

(you are in the way)

You are in the way

(and then?)

And then?

(who cares?)

Who cares?

(that’s the way it is)

That's the way it is

(i guess i have no choice)

I guess I have no choice

(i feel so insecure.)

I feel so insecure.

(i’m disgusted with you)

I'm disgusted with you

(what annoying is)

What annoying is

(i see your point)

I see your point

(sounds ok to me)

Sounds ok to me

(it’s gonna be hot today.)

It’s gonna be hot today.

(it must be)

It must be

(that’s very possible)

That's very possible

(i completely agree with you)

I completely agree with you

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