
投稿者投稿者Yuriko Yamamotoいいね0お気に入り登録
プレイ回数118難易度(4.5) 120秒 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(The results offer Johnson fresh momentum to push his EU withdrawal agreement through Parliament.)

The results offer Johnson fresh momentum to push his EU withdrawal agreement through Parliament.

(The term plays on the MeToo movement and the Japanese words for shoes and pain.)

The term plays on the MeToo movement and the Japanese words for shoes and pain.

(The pontiff kicked off his four-day visit to Japan on Nov. 23.)

The pontiff kicked off his four-day visit to Japan on Nov. 23.

(The visit included a meeting with Emperor Naruhito at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and a Mass at Tokyo Dome.)

The visit included a meeting with Emperor Naruhito at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and a Mass at Tokyo Dome.

(The players gathered together and tossed Inaba into the air eight times in celebration on the mound.)

The players gathered together and tossed Inaba into the air eight times in celebration on the mound.

(Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako waved and smiled from an open car in the Nov.)

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako waved and smiled from an open car in the Nov.

(The dead national was a woman identified as Kaori Takahashi, a local resident.)

The dead national was a woman identified as Kaori Takahashi, a local resident.

(It took firefighters 11 hours to extinguish the blaze.)

It took firefighters 11 hours to extinguish the blaze.

(Trump did not hesitate to give the order to proceed, the person said.)

Trump did not hesitate to give the order to proceed, the person said.

(The Springboks will now look forward to a semifinal against Wales in Yokohama on Oct. 27.)

The Springboks will now look forward to a semifinal against Wales in Yokohama on Oct. 27.