
プレイ回数103万難易度(4.5) 964打 英語 英字






順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 Hiro K. 9109 英文学者 9.3 97.6% 103.3 964 23 20 2025/01/24
2 Rei 7673 英文学者 7.7 98.8% 124.2 964 11 20 2025/03/07
3 Satoshi 7143 英文学者 7.5 95.4% 128.5 964 46 20 2025/02/22
4 たいさ 6791 英文学者 7.0 96.1% 136.2 964 39 20 2025/03/06
5 せお 6539 英文学者 6.9 94.4% 138.7 964 57 20 2025/02/08


ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(When it snows, I remember you.)

When it snows, I remember you.

(School will be closed because we have so much snow, right?)

School will be closed because we have so much snow, right?

(What is the percentage of snow in the forecast today?)

What is the percentage of snow in the forecast today?

(Let's split into two teams and have a snowball fight!)

Let's split into two teams and have a snowball fight!

(The rain gradually turns to snow.)

The rain gradually turns to snow.

(She walked making footprints in the fresh snow.)

She walked making footprints in the fresh snow.

(A few flakes of powder snow began to fall.)

A few flakes of powder snow began to fall.

(A boy put a snowflake on his glove.)

A boy put a snowflake on his glove.

(My father has been shoveling snow since this morning.)

My father has been shoveling snow since this morning.

(When I woke up, the outside of the window was covered with snow.)

When I woke up, the outside of the window was covered with snow.

(I prayed for my family's good health for the year.)

I prayed for my family's good health for the year.

(I had my first dream in which Mt. Fuji appeared.)

I had my first dream in which Mt. Fuji appeared.

(I plan to go to see the first sunrise of the year with my friends.)

I plan to go to see the first sunrise of the year with my friends.

(I wonder what kind of year I will have this year.)

I wonder what kind of year I will have this year.

(I entrusted New Year's money with my mom. So, I don't have to worry.)

I entrusted New Year's money with my mom. So, I don't have to worry.

(How many rice cakes do you put in?)

How many rice cakes do you put in?

(Let's buy a canned coffee and take a break.)

Let's buy a canned coffee and take a break.

(When we travel, we have no worries if there is a convenience store.)

When we travel, we have no worries if there is a convenience store.

(Do you warm up your lunch?)

Do you warm up your lunch?

(On a cold day, steamed meat buns are perfect!)

On a cold day, steamed meat buns are perfect!